Motorhomes & grey waste



  • Unknown
    edited September 2018 #32
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited September 2018 #33

    On the majority of sites the MWP seem to be situated in front of the toilet block, there are a few exceptions. I imagine this is for the reason you mention that it is a more convenient place for connection to the main services. On a couple of sites the new open grill waste points are away from the toilet block. Seacroft and Brecon spring to mind. Providing the main services are at hand I doubt there is much difference in cost. At Seacroft the MWP was installed alongside all the new serviced pitches so given everything was being built from scratch it may have cost less than trying to convert a point near a toilet block? I think having the MWP away from the toilet block is a good idea as there is no conflict of use of the space.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2018 #34

    I agree with you that facilities are on some sites can be dificult to access for some and the new MV waste disposal points are very good and far superior than on most other companies in the UK, ,the solid metal cover were a few years ago replaced with open grills,until a "member"took the club to court when she broke her ankle crossing one ,when the solid covers were again fitted, if we are on a pitch anywhere near the  big new grills with the sloping sides i wiil empty my waist in them as it is all on the level, but it still does not make the poor design of waste outlet  on most motor caravans any moreore acceptable, what about all the other places in the UK that do not have such good facilities

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited September 2018 #35

    while it has finally got the message that lifting solid manhole covers is difficult for many, they are also blooming awkward even for those who can lift them.

    And not to mention Health and Safety considerations. The idea that in the work place you would be allowed use the same sort of access with no lifting assistance would I am sure get lots of firms into trouble!!!


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2018 #36

    Seacroft is good  as any one can come off the road to use it ,if not "noticed " by the site staff And uses the club house water supply to the taps 

  • Unknown
    edited September 2018 #37
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  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,438
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    edited September 2018 #38

    Earlier I praised the new MHSP at Fairoaks which is much easier to use with a decent grid not needing the lifting of back breaking covers. I did notice though that it seemed not to have a sensible dished area around the drain. It’s situated near the exit which is great if you’re on the way out.

    It was far easier to use, except by those who couldn’t grasp the concept. None of the set ups I’ve seen, not even the very bad ones, can possibly have their inadequacies blamed on poor MH drain design. It’s down to the layout and construction of the MHSP every time. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2018 #39

    Even on the most well biult emptying point  there seems to be a proportion of motor caravan users who will find it dificult to line up the poor layout of the waste outlet on most motor caravans

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,438
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    edited September 2018 #40

    JV, there will always be a few among us who are hard of understanding. 

    That, though, does not excuse the club or any other organisation from doing a second class job. Do it properly or simply don’t bother at all. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2018 #41

    I think you need to have another look at Hillhead layout as where it has been installed it is wide enough to have a bit of a queue,but as Hillhead at peak holiday time is heaving with arrivals from early am it would course even more congestion in that area

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,438
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    edited September 2018 #42

    Here’s what I think is a great example of a very poor MHSP.

    The drain is in the centre of the enclosure. You have to lift the lid and then squash in one side of the other without hitting either the fence or the taps and without putting a wheel down the drain hole, or squash in first and hope you’ve got enough room to lift the lid. I was stood by a wall so there’s no chance of using the grass area to manoeuvre.

    It seems to me to be clear case of having been designed by someone who's no idea how MHs work.


  • Unknown
    edited September 2018 #43
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  • Unknown
    edited September 2018 #44
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  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,438
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    edited September 2018 #45

    Yes, a dead end with only a footpath in the bottom left corner of the pic which leads to the facility block. 

    It could be improved quite simply by replacing the lid with a grating and by removing the fence and tarmacing part of the grass. As for queuing vehicles, I guess they have to block the road or go away and try again later🙄. 

    I see what you mean about the grass area at HH. It looks to be a wasted space at present. 

  • Justus2
    Justus2 Forum Participant Posts: 897
    edited September 2018 #46

    It's not only the club that haven't got a clue.. Our Auto-sleeper van has the water filler on the one side and waste outlet on the other so many is the time I've had to fill up then turn the van round to empty the waste as most sites seem to favour putting the waste drain a couple of feet in front of the tap. I therefore get some looks if the MHSP is on a one way section as I usually have to go the wrong way to dump the waste....undecided


  • margaretandkeith
    margaretandkeith Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited September 2018 #47

    I think that whoever is designing the MHSP has little concept of the Motorhomer's needs.

    Perhaps a trip to France from an Admin member, I volunteer to accompany them on a 'jolly', and a stay overnight at a few Aires might give them a better insight.

    One of the problems in the UK is that they are adding waste water disposal points to existing structures while the French Aires were built from scratch and the Borne was/is an integral requirement and they build the site accordingly.

    We were at a C&MC site last week and to empty the waste water tank it required lifting a heavy grate (heavy to me), driving over the deep gulley, disposing of the water, drive off, put grate back and move my MH which was by then blocking the roadway – not an easy operation when I'm not as agile as I was.

    In France on most Aires (see picture) – drive over grate, pull handle, wait, push handle and away you go.

    At least the Club is starting to improve facilities but for the price we pay to be on the sites then could I ask them to please get a move on …....


  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited September 2018 #48

    Or this one where the whole concrete slab filters down to the drain in the middle.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2018 #49
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  • Unknown
    edited September 2018 #50
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  • Justus2
    Justus2 Forum Participant Posts: 897
    edited September 2018 #51

    We have about a one foot length of fixed hose fitted to the tank outlet and it clips to the van sill. It just about reaches the floor. As we are a PVC, we don't carry any other waste hose as we have no outside lockers to store anything "dirty" . Such is the compromise of smaller motor-homes and everything lives inside the van. Full width grills on waste points are the way forward wink 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,438
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    edited September 2018 #52

    We have the same clipped up waste hose system as you, J2, but I reckon ours is nearer 2ft long when both clips are undone. We have two fresh water fillers - one each side of the van - one is the trigger fill system and the other a removable cap and bung in a hose job. 

    We carry a flat fresh water hose and some spare waste hose plus two collapsible buckets so all eventualities are catered for. Along with the levelling ramps, they travel at the very rear under the near side bunk and are accessible via the rear door if necessary. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited September 2018 #53

    the club design may well have the long drain (set transveresly to the approaching MH) but, having no sloping surround, requires the exact positioning of the MH tap.

    Exact? I think most of us are capable of positioning our motorhomes over a grill which must be a massive  3 feet by 10/12 foot wide? I think you have to accept that the Club have decided to do it that way which is perfectly acceptable I expect to  99.9% of Club motorhomers!!! 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,438
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    edited September 2018 #54

    I’m sure all are capable of positioning over a grid of that size, David, but not all are anywhere near that big. The new one at Fairoaks isn’t although it’s perfectly adequate. 

    Incidentally, who did you quote in bold type?

    Edit: Spotted it at last. It was a section of BB’s post way up the page. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2018 #55

    I rest my case when talking about poor design on motor caravans

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2018 #56

    How "exact"  do modern motor caravaners need surprised

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,438
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    edited September 2018 #57

    Your case is empty, rather than rested. 

    MHSPs vary too much for any converter to apply a standard.

    Read my post. Waste drain on n/side and a fresh filler on both  sides. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2018 #58

    And alterations to the access road and how far away is the nearest water and waste ,as where it has been placed is not as suggested"inconvenient as it is on a bi drectional road and the bit you may be correct is ,it was the "cheapest option" as all, the water and waste are close by

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2018 #59
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2018 #60

    A two metre length of waste hose attached to the waste outlets and clipped under the "skirt"on motor caravans is all it would need to "help?"those who cannot stop within the three feet of the expensive updates that one section of the membership  seem to have problems with,even on other companies site in the UK who seem not to be so accommodating cool

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,438
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    edited September 2018 #61

    I said ours has about 2ft and it’s all that’s needed. We have no 'skirt'.