An open invitation to thieves
Ours is 80w and works well when the sun shines but, unfortunately, the sun couldn’t reach it in winter so had to resort to plugging it in if the van was idle for very long. 😐
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Where the van is stored, there is no obstruction, and the panel can see the sun all day long, if it is visible.
Although we have no intention of using the mho over the winter, I will take it out for run, at least once a month.
If it's pouring of rain, or freezing cold, I'll be driving to the storage site, not cycling. ☺
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I know the warnings have been made but doubt the problem is widespread. There are masses of people posting on facebook and the like and most are not connected with holidays. I find it difficult to believe that thieves will actively search through masses of pages looking for an identifiable target in their area although if someone gets it by default then there might be a problem.
Basically your page should never have enough information on it for people who do not know you to identify you for various reasons apart from this. But as almost all housebreaking is random I would be surprised if you could identify anyone who has been affected in the way suggested.
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Copied from Facebook
A colleague went away and house was ransacked and to cut a long story short the insurance would not pay out as she had blatantly posted pictures on Facebook which sometimes shows your destination. Apparently there is something in her small print on her insurance documents about social media whilst you are away. Hubby checked ours and yes it basically says that your insurance is void if you advertise the fact you are absent from home so please be careful.
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I have been to a meeting at our police HQ this morning for us to be briefed on,the latest methods that are being used to tackle cross county crime,a lot is being done via anpr cameras ,as there is now a method, by which data from numerous systems can be tied together,to capture unusual vehicle movements(most vehicles are known to the police),it is being used as a byproduct of anti terror cross border (country)initiatives,a lot of other info is now being made available to local agencies than in the past but some cannot be put out to public forums
Ps and as said at the meeting our county force is the one that is contacted by others for help when things get "naughy" as the commander advised with pride
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My advice is not to display any identifying information on social media.
Whether or not the criminals come across this at random, or by searching, is irrelevant, the end result could be the same.
Also, see Sienelen's post. Something that I not considered.
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It's not only social media. I have seen comments books on site bearing the names and addresses of those who write comments.
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Why just obscure my photos? I'm going to cover my number plates when I'm on a campsite. i might do it when I'm driving along too in case someone might see them. I don't want thieves to know I'm away from home.
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I once saw a comment signed 'Cornersteady'. That wasn't a complaint, nor did it reveal his name or address.
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Quite apart from the usual rubbish spouted above, may I suggest ( in my most superior voice
) that when one leaves the house empty, whilst holidaying, that you advise the neighbours and ask them to keep an eye on it.
This does of course require you to be on good terms with them, and to reciprocate at other times.
This is a simple system that works quite well in my neighbourhood.
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"Rubbish", RF?
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It's not only the possibility of being traceable via your reg no but an attempt to deprive cloners of a chance to use your number. Have you never wondered why cars on a transporter obviously destined for a scrap yard have their plates obscured?
Imagine the hassle it would cause if you suddenly started getting demands for non payment of fines for using the London Congestion Zone, for example, because somebody put your number on a similar vehicle. Apparently it’s quite common.
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I think a great invention would be an inflatable caravan the same size as the one you have.
It wouldnt have to look good as long as you use a cover all year . When you go away with your van simply inflate the bogus van under your cover . Hey presto nobody knows you have gone.
one for dragons den I reckon . I’m happy with 10% of all sales worldwide . Fill your boots investors I’m waiting for your cash . 👍
ps got loads more if anyone has good money to invest pm me
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Of course it’s the idea of PM-ing you that's the really funny part, Robidoo🤣
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You thought you were on a forum with all the normal functionality, didn’t you?😂
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It is always a good idea to let your neigbours know that you are going to be away, so that they can ensure that local free papers etc, are not left sticking out of the letter box.
As for keeping an eye on your property, this only works if they can watch it 24hrs a day, which is not realistic.
My immediate neighbour was burgled during the day. We were indoors watching TV at the time, and never heard a thing. Other neighbours, like wise.
I should add, that they had no security system.
They also park their car on the drive (not in the garage), and go out at the same time, pretty much everyday, which I am sure was noticed by the criminal(s).
We have an alarm system, security cameras, and pir lights for the hours if darkness.
No system, or practice is 100%, but don't make it easy for the thieving scumbags.