Club sites too expensive
At least your post has got the discussion back on track rather than focussing on the particular merits of a single club site.
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Perhaps the "Club" should offer "Members" a 25% discount on published fees to make it worthwhile belonging to a "Club".
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You need to read earlier posts to understand mine, AD. I was responding to et specifically about Woodovis and it's booking terms and conditions - I have no personal interest in the ACSI scheme because I'm not going to be using European sites and in the UK I use mainly CLS which work out cheaper anyway.
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I've just booked 15 nights next July in Cornwall. I was going to stay at Bingham Grange, the cost being £417 for the two of us.
However, the same 15 nights at Godrevy is £369, a saving of £48 (which will be spent on fish & chip suppers)
At £24.60 per night, in July, for two of us, with the usual Club facilities - do I think the Club sites are getting expensive? Yes I do, but then have you bought any carrots recently? 😉
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“(which will be spent on fish & chip suppers)“
And Philps pasties👍🏻
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but only useful if you want to go to Europe? and pay for all the costs of travel and fuel. Otherwise what advantage does it have?
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From what I can make out, and I've now looked at a few sites, the ACSI scheme, as far as the UK is concerned is mainly centred on all singing, all dancing holiday park sites (full fat sites in common parlance, I believe
). Those aren't sites I'd choose to use hence my lack of (personal) interest.
I tend to use club sites pre Easter and then October/November time. Very often it's just me and one dog. Club sitest almost always work out the cheapest option then.
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Anybody can "cherry pick" what they post to make it sound "better" than what seems the majority of satisfied site users in the UK "( please note") want and as the exchange rate in the UK is good (and may get better?) for overseas visitors,less than 40 sites that accept ACSI cards to compensate for their normal very high prices,then i do think there are going to be as many coming here as there used to be going "over there" who are now on "staycations"
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I suggest you read M's post, no advantage if the sites offered are too expensive?
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+1 and full fat prices to match no doubt? Again not comparing like with like.
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the unhappy face was for the use of your Doh (hence italics and question mark) in replying to my first civil post.
I would say there is no advanatge in the scheme at all and can be discounted
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We are always told that sites are better and cheaper over there. What they frequently forget to mention is the cheap price is ‘out o& season’. In high season which is usually the only time we can travel site prices can be anywhere from €30t to over €50 plus electric. Yes most sites have pools and cafe’s which is great if you don’t mind tiny pitches crammed in like sardines.
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IMO ACSI is a very useful scheme, and a nice handbook, all site descriptions accompanied by what is generally a truly miserable looking face of the site inspector
Brilliant for the continental mainland, limited for the UK, although there is one site in the UK that I do use In winter, near Cambridge and a good alternative to both club sites.
It is just another camping tool, same as my Britstop handbook and various other bits of clutter that I cart around.
To argue it offers better or less or mostly the same value as a club site is impossible almost as we each make our own minds up as to what we want at any given time. It's just a tool.
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That’s strange, BB. I’m just catching up with this thread and it never struck me that there was any defence or criticism of the club but a debate ensuing as to costs and comparisons of club and commercial sites and prices. Even the OP did Not make a statement as such but posed a question.
I wonder why you see threads such as this as being partisan when clearly they are not?
Anyway, even if people choose to avidly defend the club, it’s as much their right to do so as it is others’ to constantly criticise.
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I've had a look at ACSI scheme. Once we are back up and touring full throttle, some of the discounted sites in U.K. might work for us. Lot are in Cornwall, so we have passed them, or walked round them. It's another pay to access discounts scheme, no doubt great if you tour Europe. Similar to Club Sites, expensive at certain times of year, cheap in the quieter periods. Some are Hoseasons Sites, such as Woodovis.
No one can compare the value of pitch choice for someone else. It's simply what suits them at that particular time. Sometimes it's Club, sometimes CL, sometimes AN Other.......
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We do not, as with the increasing thousands of others in the UK and increasing numbers from "over there" the idea of Knowing that the product you are looking at staying is normally of a consistant high standard,why would most need to go elsewhere ,but as one or two like to try to "point out?" there are one or two sites in the UK that they consider better,normally higher priced, but then to encourage use of such sites, they then off peak need to sell pitches at loss leader prices or use a discount card