Lost the plot!
Yesterday I received an email from the Club giving me 5 reasons why I should join! I won't go into the 5 reasons that they give me but it does make the Club sound very attractive.
But they have really lost the plot with this one as I have been a member for 35 years! Thats probably longer than the age of the person responsible for this,I have bookings for the next 12 months, my Caravan insured by them and my membership does not expire until the end of the year.
It would appear that some idiot at East Grinstead has decided to use the members email address list for a membership drive.
Rant over I just hope somebody at HQ reads this but I doubt it
Thanks for your post Derek and Susan.
I've drawn your post to the attention of HQ staff so, hopefully, you might see a response or, at least, some action could be taken to investigate the matter.
Thnking about the cost of postage, sending a mailing out to people who are already members!
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It's not just the club! Last year I renewed my subscription to the bowls club with a debit card. They charged me 40p to use it. The next week I had a letter, first class post, to say they shouldn't have done that and if I came back with my card they'd refund the 40p! I emailed back to say that since it had cost them more than 40p to inform me I'd be happy for them to just contribute that to general club funds!
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I got the e-mail also. Did make me think why and then Deleted User it. After entering the comp. having said that it's just flashed up another again from the club about caravan insurance starting from £49. god knows what caravan is only worth £49 to insure but i want one.
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just received a quote of £288 for standard cover on my van!
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Surely these are just general marketing e-mails which are easier to send to everyone rather than trying separate everything out into categories. I get lots of e-mails like that from all over I just delete them and not give them a second thought. If you don't want to receive such e-mails can't you just change your marketing options in your profile? Doing so might mean you miss out on something in the future that might be to your advantage.
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Many companies now send out blanket marketing emails, to any / all addresses on their database.
For a while I noticed an ever increasing number of marketing spam emails from this club, the other club, the bank, the garage, my energy provider, the mobile provider etc etc etc. None seemed to be of any interest really and were starting to irritate me due to the sheer number of them.
About a year or so ago, I began unsubscribing and amending my preferences as these emails came in and now I hardly get any at all, certainly nothing from this club. I think by law, all spam mail has to have an unsubscribe option, it's usually at the bottom.
Am I worried about missing out on anything ? Err Nope..
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I am afraid to say that a certain moderator ought to consider truly what they are writing!
This profit lead club is as bad as so many other similar organisations for employing general jobsworths who don't know the first thing they are doing when it comes to marketing (I am a professional) and their membership.
Oh so sadly, if it wasn't the link to the CL system, I, like countless thousands others, wouldn't be a member!!
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Countless thousands? Really? I thought, as a professional you wouldn’t making wild guesses, criticise others' opinions, or make derogatory comments about staff.
Just opt out of the emails and your stress levels will drop.
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Totally confused by MM’s post. Is the inference that Moderators get paid or that only profit making organisations have jobs worths, have you ever looked at the social services or even some charitable institutions?
We all receive marketing material either over the internet or the through the letter box and it’s choice whether you read it or bin it.
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It is a bit strange, the club have your e mail address because you are a member so that particular e mail isn't relevant unless your renewal is due. (which it isn't for the OP.) Other than that possibly a mailing company is being used.
And, as said before you can opt out of receiving e mails via your profile, which is what I do.
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The jibe was probably aimed at me because I did not agree with the OP. I have no idea why a member recruitment e-mail would be sent out to people who are already members unless it was to remind us all of the positives on being members just in case we were thinking of leaving? It could just have been a mistake but as you say no big deal. I must admit that I tend not to take people who go round calling others "jobsworths" very seriously. For goodness sake how would they know, have they ever met these people? Over the years I have met a fair few people from HQ and all of them seen dedicated to the job at hand and I am sure those members of staff being called a jobsworth feels a bit like a kick in the teeth. Perhaps the poster of those comments should reflect on the fact that if the Club did not make a profit the CL's he/she is keen might not survive without the cost negative input by the Club?
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A toilet cleaner/street cleaner/or dustmen are all "profesionals" in their fields, as are numerous other jobs that are hard to recruit for
but then they would probably,Think things through before posting such a post without any evidence to support it