Replacement window for Swift 600S Motorhome

Hello, I recently had the misfortune of thew window in the "Luton" area of my motor-home being caught by the wind and removed from the body, needless to say that it was destroyed, I am wonder inf anyone can help me in obtaining a replacement, new or used, I have had a quick search on the internet but, as yet, I have not found one.It is a Swift 600S, 2006.
You may have to bite the bullet and buy a new one from Swift. We spent a fruitless year trying to find a window for our Hymer to replace a cracked one. We tried breakers and on-line parts companies, but in the end we had to order one from Hymer. One of the suggestions we received on this forum was They manufacture replacement windows using the old one as a template.
Best of luck in your search!