Wheel lock when camping on site
If you have a tracker, make sure it’s well hidden.
That made me chuckle, Merve. I've had the van three years, and I still haven't found it. When I bought the van, I had Tracker fit an active one as opposed to the passive one that Bailey fit as standard (waste of space) and when I rang them to ask them where it was, they wouldn't tell me (even if they knew, of course!). I suppose my past experiences make me ultra cautious, to the extent that I have even fitted CCTV around the house with one camera specifically pointing at the van on the drive, despite living in a very low crime area.
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Hmm, all rolled into the advice to the OP. I bet he's confused.😂😂😂
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Bit of a British thing really. On the continent it is easy to spot the Brits - Aquaroll, waste container, wheel clamps, hitch lock. All that’s missing is the knotted handkerchief on the head.
However, if the insurance genuinely requires it then OK. Personally I would change insurance company.
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Geez, I’m glad I never C/vanned abroad if that is how Brits are viewed by fellow Brits, or is this another bit of proof of the sneering Moho snobs I read about. A bit unnecessary I’m thinking☹️
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I was a caravanner for 30 years and am happy with both. We spend most of the time abroad. Regular travellers abroad will confirm my thoughts. I have never, ever, in 30 years heard of a caravan or motorhome being stolen from a site but would be interested to hear of any incidents. We had our caravan ransacked once in the Med along with many other vans. The thieves stole a car because the owner left his keys in the caravan. I can’t imagine them hitching up as well!
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So, back in the day you were a ‘knotted handkerchief on the head’ type, that’s a revelation😊
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The only reason they recovered my van was because the tracker was under the water tank and they didn’t find it. Cameras are great but have you seen the you tube video of a caravan actually getting stolen? These low life’s don’t give two hoots for any security - they just carry on regardless.
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yes, because others on here know what is best for you, isn't that the CT way?
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On another group I'm on its become quite popular to have the registration number of the MH put in BIG letters on the roof.
Reading this thread has reminded me how much more security we will need on the new caravan compared to the MH
In the last 6 years we have never had a problem, no wheel lock, no steering wheel lock, or handbrake clamp and we don't turn our drivers seat and padlock that either. Just blip the alarm when we leave the van, why we bother sometimes I don't know, as the windows and skylights are usually left open.
We know have an alarm fitted to the caravan (came as standard) wheel lock, hitch lock and all the windows have locking catches.
By the way turning the drivers seat and fitting a padlock to prevent it from turning back is very effective I'm told.
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The only reasonable precaution you can take against petty theft from a caravan is to take your valuables with you. Our experience many years ago was that the thieves ransacked a lot of caravans in very little time. They popped all the locks, ignored any alarms and were gone in no time. It took them seconds whilst we were at the pool to turn all the contents of our van - wardrobe, drawers, lockers - out onto the floor. Nothing was stolen. I remember our dealer saying that if we had a stronger lock on the door they would just have done more damage but it would not have slowed them down.
As said above, motorhome are more secure although they still have flimsy windows which are easily prised open.
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We’ve had this conversation over a long time, I won’t repeat myself as it upsets your sensibilities AD. Suffice to say-I don’t C/van abroad, my decision, bite down & move on👍🏻😊
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Just as an aside, Alko are advertising 50% off some of their wheel locks at the moment.