Hot water boiler: on or off?
Ah. but if you don’t go to work and let the thermostat control the heating all day then it makes life so much more comfortable.
It's also generally accepted in the industry to be more efficient and cost effective to let the thermostat control the heating and warm it up little and often rather than a big burn from cold a couple of times a day. That’s why heating systems have thermostats.
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We switch ours on when needed, 1st thing in the morning for OH's shower and washing the dishes then when we return in the afternoon from our day out for my shower and the dishes again, and definitely off when we go out and during the night.
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thank you mister mod
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It is definitely NOT “generally accepted in industry” that simply leaving the heating (or hot water) on all the time is more efficient. Whoever thought that daft idea up? I agree that it may be more comfortable but any heating expert will tell you that when your heat (or hot water) is on then you are losing heat externally through the less than 100% effective insulation. It doesn’t matter what your caravan is made of or how your boiler is insulated, the heat escapes to the outside area and makes it warmer for your neighbours.
There is a big difference between efficiency and comfort though. If it’s really cold outside and you want to have instant hot water day or night then certainly leave it on because it may take a while to heat up if stone cold but if you want to save the Club's electricity bill then switch it on only when needed.
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BB, where are you? Your mate’s doing what you unjustly accuse me of. 😂😂😂
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Daft idea? No way, but I’ve no intention of getting into a debate on the issue. Your opinion v that of heating and boiler technicians. So be it.
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I was tempted to give the energy figures for heating 1 Kg of water three times a day from 4C to 60C, then the figures for heating 1 kg by say 2 degrees C twice an hour for a day, but no doubt that might upset some. I'm sure hitchglitch has the figures anyway.
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It is unlikely, certainly at this time of year you would be heating water up from 4C. More likely 10-12C. If your supply is in an aquaroll in the sun, probably higher.
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Wriggle? Caught? That sounds like you’re dangling bait like a true fisherman, BB.
Not me, I’m the one who got away.
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It’s not the heat going in we are worried about but the heat going out and wasted whilst we aren’t there to use it.
I am really excited by this post because somebody is going to come along shortly and disprove the First Law of Thermodynamics. Perhaps I should “follow” the discussion in case I miss it?
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“Anyway, shall we agree to disagree on whether an hour or 30 minutes is acceptable/necessary and leave it there?”
Good idea, M. I think that applies to the whole issue although the OP may not agree. 🤪
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Last year in central France it got to about 37 degrees. Switching the hot water on made the motorhome even hotter so we just boiled a kettle when needed.
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Who the ruddy heck cares about either to be honest? Each to their own, it's more about location, enjoyment, having a good time however you choose to do it. I am just thankful to have the health and wealth and time to be able to get away, without all the blithering pondering on which way is the right way to do something that in all elements is hardly rocket science!
So there!
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I’m assuming you wouldn’t want the issue to be left there as, being the OP, you wanted to see a debate. Crystal?🙂
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why would you disagree? and no pre-conceived expectations? good or bad?
If so why did you post that leaving the water on?
....will use use fuel wastefully
I think that saying something is wasteful and using fuel wastefully could indicate a preconcinced idea about what is good or bad about leaving the hot water switched on?
As such I'm not taking part in your game DD
But to help you out the energy needed to raise 1 kg of water by 1 degree C is 4.184 KJ. Btw 1kg of water = 1 litre volume. Whoever thought that up deserves a medal!
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+10 there!
I guess that people want everyone to do things their way?