Dangerous usage of coiled up electric cables
since when is EHU free?
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Well, I guess you'll never know seeing you didn’t choose to share your helpful advice.
What makes you think people will take notice on here?
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no, as I pointed to Mr DD, I meant what are you suggesting should happen when you see such an occurrence?
If the people doing this cannot be bothered to lift their heads to say Hello, they are not going to take advice from a stranger.
So apart from pointing it out on here, nothing? You do realise that the number posting on here is an extremely small fraction, percentage, proportion of the total number who use club sites. If you're going to do nothing then what was the point of your OP?
Btw I am amazed that people who are doing this (coiled EHU cable) are exactly the same as those who sit outside and won't say hello to you?
Actually if I'm reading or doing anything outside sometimes I will notice people passing and sometimes I won't (I do a lot of day dreaming about Grandi's series
Are you now saying everyone on site should say hello to each other?
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It's pre-paid not 'free' 😉. At this point in time it is unlimited prepaid, unlike many mobile or household phones and internet contracts there is no limit set which you can exceed and pay handsomely for if you go over your prepaid limit 😉. That can bring us back full circle to meters 😂😂😂😂😂 but not relevant to coiled cables 😉
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"Are you now saying everyone on site should say hello to each other?"
They could pass the thyme of day, Corners.
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Do you know, I'm saddened by the attitude of some. We are not born with knowledge, we either learn from our own mistakes or the wisdom and experience of others, I've learnt so much from my fellow 'caravaners' some which has saved me time, money and possibly injury! That tip or advice is most welcomed by me. Why do some believe the wheel has to be reinvented every single day? Is it that they are too vain or stubborn to listen to help, the previous mistakes or advice of others? As 'they' say, every day is a school day!
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At last! Someone's corrected the title. 👏🏻
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In all of the contributions, no one has mentioned the school-level physics involved in cable heating. Electrical resistance increases with temperature , and increased resistance means increased heat. If you coil an electrical conductor the windings heat each other, the heat is less able to escape, and the result is more resistance and more heat. At best this means the voltage to your caravan will be reduced, at worst your cable will melt and trip the supply before more serious damage is done.
Doubters should experiment with a length of cable, coiled and uncoiled, and a 100W light bulb, but only in their back garden and with a grownup present.
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Another case for KISS.
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With a load of only 100W you are going to need some very sofisticated equipment to detect that.
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I am not belittling the implications and fire risks - I try to avoid leaving my Caravan hook up coiled however In this day of elf’s only drinking safe tea I am surprised the manufacturers of said cables do not fix safety warning stickers. And, I have a couple of proprietary cable reels for use around the home which are designed to stay coiled when in use......
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There are warnings in handbooks about leaving cables coiled. Also, if you buy a spooled extension lead I am sure there are also warnings about needing to fully unwind.
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Thats true. I guess we are only talking about 99.99% of the caravanning population.
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I tried to drive off with cable attached to the motorhome. Fortunately an interlock prevents starting the engine but it took me a while to figure out why it wouldn’t start!