Inconsiderate members/non-members?

royjohn312 Forum Participant Posts: 4
edited April 2018 in Your stories #1

Having just returned from a week at the glorious Chatsworth site with my husband, I have to say that I feel so sorry for the wardens who have to clean up after us.  I cease to be amazed at the way areas of the site are left by some users.  Unfortunately we did not take any photos.

The washing up areas were often left in an abominable state, with food and grease being left in the sinks  with no effort at all at cleaning them up.  Even though there is a notice in the washing area in the toilet block not to clean BBQs in the sinks, they were still used for this purpose and the sinks left in a mess.  

The toilets and shower areas were also left in a state; the worst being excrement left in one of the urinals.  Is it any wonder that we catch diseases and are given a bad name?  Why would anyone do such a thing.   I for one do not appreciate this and I am sure there are others like me  who have not and do not put their views in writing, for whatever reason.  I appreciate that we are all on holiday and therefore want to use our BBQs etc. and do as little as possible but why should the rest of us have to clean up the mess left by others before we can begin to use the facilities. 

My plea to others is to stop and think about how you would like to find these things yourself, whether member or non-member  and be a bit more considerate to people following on from you who wish to use the facilities or should we all be treated like children and a request placed inside the information packs.   Last but not least have some thought also for the wardens who have to clean up after we have all departed.  Guys I think you deserve a medal.