Calorlite availability

Although Calor have discontinued making Calorlite bottles, they are still refilling existing bottle that are in good condition. This means that Calorlite is still available, but folk might find supply a little more difficult. I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread where folk could list when and where they have managed to obtain Calorlite. It might help others who are searching for refills.
If we could keep discussion to a minimum so as to enable folk to search more easily.
I wonder if so many people have been either forced to go back to the heavy cylinders or moved to other brands that Calor Lite are not being exchanged in such numbers as they once were, hence what seems good availability? I have an empty cylinder and I must get it exchanged, will report back.
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Not quite sure what you mean about what the club is doing about stocks on sites harryb. It is purely down to the warden and his wallet to source and stock lpg on club sites. A gas order delivery direct from calor direct normally takes five days, but after this winter there is still a general shortage of lpg so we are having a ten to fourteen day turn round.
Six lites are still ok for supply but as more outfits hit the road for the first time this year demand will start to outstrip supply. I'm guessing they will be scarce by November.
Those refillable companies will see a good rise in business I think
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JK there are a lot of members who still think that the CC do all the work to keep the members happy by running shops and supplying calor gas on sites, when it is down to how deep the wardens dive into their own pockets at the start of their contract to buy in all the stock,
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after this winter there is still a general shortage of lpg so we are having a ten to fourteen day turn round.
It is not only bottled gas in short supply, I tried filling up my Gaslow bottles again yesterday only to find for the third time the garage I stopped at had no gas. I am currenly carrying around one empty and one 2/3 full bottle hoping I will find somewhere with gas eventually.
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Here in MK we have a lovely old fashioned hardware shop called O'Dells in Stony Stratford. I have just rung them and asked if they still stock Calor Lite and the cryptic answer was that "we try to" so I assume supply is still a bit erratic?
Edit:- Went to O'Dells today and was able to swap my empty Calor Lite for a full one.
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Blackpool CAMC have about half a dozen in stock currently.
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I am aware that wardens pay to stock sundries etc for the benefit of members. I wasn't aware that they were also responsible for ordering Calor.
You live and learn and I bet there are a lot of members like me that think the club is responsible
So just what is the official line with Calor Lite bottles. Just to clear up confusion
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What is the justification, for a multi million pound turnover company expecting its employees, to fund a customer service out of their own pocket?
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Yeah, right.
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Wrong, it is so that HQ can do as little work as possible, there can be no other explanation. Calor will not be interested in individuals ordering the odd bottle out of their own pocket, but maybe, just maybe if some highly talented negotiator from head office set up a national deal on "our" behalf, we, the club members could get better price and the wardens, could get their cut for implementing it.
Sorry HQ, it was only a thought.
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I wonder how much gas the Club actually sell via their campsites. Perhaps JK could give us an insight? I rarely see people walking up and down with gas bottles to and from reception. I suspect the volume of sales is unlikely to be enough to warrant an HQ intervention as most supplies would have to be obtained via Calor local wholesalers so cost wise I imagine there would be little leeway on prices. The current system seems to work reasonably well so you would have the ask what possible advantage would there be in HQ getting involved. I somehow doubt the margins are that great and I think I would prefer the wardens to get a bit more out of it than they would if it was organised centrally.
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I think the last Calor refill I bought, at least a year ago was £23.
Whatever discount they might negotiate would hardly be life changing for anyone would it.....
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So, to clarify a few things. Firstly, we are encouraged, but not obliged to supply certain items for sale for the convenience of members on site. The club do not organise the bottled gas supply on sites or any other items for sale in case staff do not wish to do so. That may change in the future, I'm not sure. There is an insured gas cage supplied, in a risk assessed location on site should we wish to utilise it.
David, you ask of quantity of gas sold on club sites. I can obviously only speak of my site here but to give you an idea I have a minimum bottle order per week and I'll average an order a week for 32 weeks. We sell at rrp.
Finally, we don't run a shop to supplement our "not good for what we have to contend with salaries", total codswallop from this 8 year in newbie
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Good post - thanks
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Thanks JK for the info.
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10 bottles a week for each site, 200 sites = 2000 a week over 20 weeks (of the summer months only), could be more, = 40000 bottles. If they were then the cheapest on the market for Club members only, you would see a surge in demand. At the moment the only benefit on exchanging on Club site's is convenience as they are no where near the cheapest around.
Actually this sounds far to much work, so better to leave it as it is, for the benefit of Club members and concentrate on selling Home insurance to members, less work and more profit, for the benefit of members of course!!
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Hi I guess we could stock whatever brand we like but in the great scheme of things I reckon at least 90% of members visiting club sites use calor. I stopped stocking gaz 907's because of no demand so I reckon flogas and the like would be the same. The same call for one packet of gravy granules in me shop won't see me buying shedloads.
A gas refill pump on site would never happen DD, the risk element (don't go there) would be too great. I'm lucky as I fill my gaslow bottle at the garage the end of the road.
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Have tried all local stockists but no luck. Regular supplier is trying to get me one on his next delivery but says he is lucky to get his full order of any bottles. Looking at Flogas !