Truma Combi Boiler Controls
Given the recent cold weather I thought I would put the heating on in the van yesterday. All worked fine on electricity. Today I thought to doing the same but appear to have a problem. When I put it on electrics the amber light on the top dial comes on and immediately goes out. As this happens the red LED on the temperature dial comes on and flashes. Tried to reset but to no avail. I tried it on gas and everything appears to be fine with hot air flowing from the vents. I did wonder if the outside vent was covered in snow. There was a little but that was quickly removed. Anyone else experienced this issue and are there any easy solutions. The van goes in for service tomorrow so at least they can have a look at it but it would be interesting to know if anyone else has experienced the same.
Hi David
We had the same problem last year with our van and took it into our local dealer here at Elche Spain, he found after taking the outside vents off the over flow cup was full of sand from the rain we have here. He cleaned the cup and the pipe work and it worked after that and he advised to keep the vents on at all times until on site and heater in use.
Hope this helps.
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Could well be the fuse or even the rocker switch for the 240v Phil had to replace ours as it was a bit dodgy and sometimes didn't quite click when flicked on.
Philnffc, I remember you posting about you experience but thought it was the fridge vents you had an issue with, could you clarify please, thanks.
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Yes. had to push back in the thermal cut out button
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Thanks for the replies. I have just returned from dropping it off at the dealers for the annual hab and cab service and MOT. Hopefully they will be able to sort it. I will update when I get an answer.
The newer Combi's seem to have a permanent open cowl vent with no clip off cover.
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Sorry my mistake an age thing, got my vents mixed up because i had a problem with both the fridge and the heater.
The fridge did stop working because of excess sand, the boiler stopped working because a leaf had got behind the vent cover covering the flue and this stopped the heater working, what did amaze me was that such a small thing could stop the heater working.
Apologies again
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Got the van back today and it turns out that it was just the 230v fuse in the main switch. Whilst it has solved the immediate problem, slightly worrying that it went in the first place!
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It's a 10 amp fuse in mine. When I went to have a look for for a spare I only had 3,5 and 13 amp ones so looks as if I will have to have a trip somewhere to buy the right size.
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Thanks for the heads up on the fuses, have ordered a pack.