Thinking about joining Camping and Caravan Club



  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited February 2018 #62


    Some interesting posts here, just goes to show that both clubs have a lot to offer. I've been a member of both clubs for 16 years purely for a better spread of sites an cl /cs's. 

    Things changed for me in 2008 when I arrived at a pre booked c&cc site in Lincolnshire in my 8.5 meter motorhome on a bank holiday weekend to be greeted by a very foul mouthed pointy fingered person behind the counter as to why I'd been able to book at all with such a large beast.  Long story short, I'd long been looking for a new way of life and it was this nasty experience that made me think that I could run a caravan site and give people the respect they deserve while making sure they had a good time. Employed by our club in 2010, and I have to say thanks to that "person" I've had the most rewarding 8 years of my working life.

    I'm still a member of both clubs as there's always a chance of a better deal with insurance, etc.

    Cheers All JK

  • Pageantpete07
    Pageantpete07 Forum Participant Posts: 91
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    edited February 2018 #63

    We have been members of the camping caravan club for 36 years and use their club sites often during the mid and low season as we get the discount which helps a lot ,I cant say we notice a lot of difference between the CMC sites and the CCC sites I would say they are on a par we also use the cs sites. The CCC  membership is a lot cheaper, .insurance on  our caravan for the same cover is cheaper. We don't use the CMC club sites any more as they are to expensive,we do however use the cl net work together with the cs network which together gives  us a vast choice of places to visit .

  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited February 2018 #64

    We joined the other club when we wanted to stay at Loch Ness Shores a CCC site and the discount paid for our annual membership.  

    I find CCC sites tend to have a more diverse membership, attracting a slightly younger membership in my experience, which in the main I quite enjoy. Not quite as regimented, which in the height of summer can result in what feels like more cramped sites than C&MC. I have found the CCC wardens try and put you on certain pitches whereas C&MC allows you to drive round and find your own. So at Sandringham we were not shown a side of the site we would have actually preferred, maybe I should have looked at the site plan and done my research.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2018 #65

    So at Sandringham we were not shown a side of the site we would have actually preferred, maybe I should have looked at the site plan and done my research.

    Do you mean the C&CC site at Sandringham? I asked earlier about site maps for C&CC sites it seems they don't do them. I often like to walk round a site to get the feel for it, failing that like you look at a site map. So far we've only stayed on 2 C&CC sites so it's not been an issue as the sites were not busy.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2018 #66
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  • Biggarmac
    Biggarmac Forum Participant Posts: 364
    edited February 2018 #67

    One thing to note about the Moffat site is that when the weather is wet you will be asked to put your awning on the hardstanding not on the grass.

  • rovinmad
    rovinmad Forum Participant Posts: 102
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    edited February 2018 #68

    So how does that work if the gravelled area is not wide enough for 'van and awning?  Presumably the caravan offside wheel will be on the grass.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2018 #69

    We were told the vehicle has to be on the gravel but awning can spill over onto the grass. This was certainly the case of the ones we saw both at Moffat and Keswick site.

    The gravel is no where near as wide as the C&MC pitches in fact there are many that are not as wide as some non awning pitches with C&MC.

    I would think when sites are full they would feel a bit cramped with cars parked across the front of caravans and awnings spilling onto grass, water containers will also have to go on grass with some vans.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2022 #70
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  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited February 2022 #71

    As far as pitches are concerned, I think there is an inherent bias… for CMC it’s caravans and for C&CC it’s campervans/motorhomes (and family tents). The pitch arrangements fit that bias, although both will be happy to take your money.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2022 #72

    Gosh where did this thread spring to life from 😅😅

    Well 4 years on and we have stayed on many more C&CC sites thanks to Covid and having to holiday in the UK for the last 2 years.

    We like just about everyone we've been on so far. Yes they are different, especially in summer when the tenter are out and about. 

    The gravel areas are on some sites narrower than CMC sites but the new refurbished sites they are a decent size. You have to state if you are wanting an awning pitch or you will be put on a non awning one. 

    Pricing is much better than the CMC as their price bands at PHs don't go on for days afterwards. With the age discount it can make a £10 a night difference, so worth the membership.

    We only have 2 sites booked so far for this year and they are both CCC sites. 

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited February 2022 #73

     You don't use this club's sites much then Bill? Very different to your opinion


  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited February 2022 #74

    We all make judgments on our own experiences, yours obviously differs to mine. Yes, I do use CMC sites, although increasingly less given high site fees. If I was to give up my C&CC or CMC membership, it would be the latter.

    Last year at a CMC site, I was berated my a member for driving a motorhome as they made the place look like a transit camp! 

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited February 2022 #75

    I would have thought that “Fiat camp”, or “Peugeot camp” was more accurate.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2022 #76
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  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited February 2022 #77

    Too close to the edge for me 🥴

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited February 2022 #78

    We are members of both, but generally book with the CAMC.  One reason is that the CAMC have more Full Serviced pitches. Because of the meager weight allowance, we tend to carry so much stuff in the car.  One of the ways we cut down is by leaving the aquaroll and wastemaster at home.  Instead we use Serviced pitches and Colapz products (Fresh Mini and flexible waste pipes) to cut down on weight and space...


  • Fozzie
    Fozzie Club Member Posts: 580
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    edited February 2022 #79

    I am a member of the CCC,their booking system and web site remind me very much of trying to get through to your GP ,but once you get through, they are absolutely fine.

    They do seem to have loads and loads of rules and stipulations,but surprisingly now the CMHC are following them.

    Never had a problem with the site pitching you,I just request,sunny pitch,away from toilet block ect ect.I was at the old Braithwaite Fold site and he met me on his bike and said you can have that pitch or that pitch dead opposite reception where I was parked as only two pitches left!! 

    I would rather have this than the Volvo driver at the Centenary Site who must of made at least half a dozen laps of the site looking for a suitable pitch.

    Where they do have an edge are the popular THS cheap and do not require booking.

  • dunelm
    dunelm Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited February 2022 #80

    CCC does have serviced pitches on some sites. This information is clearly shown on entries for sites in their Siteseekers book which is issued to members.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited February 2022 #81

    Yes... you are absolutely right, dunelm.  The post you quote was from 2018...  I did refer to serviced pitches on C&CC sites just above (Posted on 08/02/2022 09:22), having used a serviced pitch at Devizes last year.  From what I can see, it is less common to find serviced pitches on the C&CC network.


  • justjn
    justjn Forum Participant Posts: 13
    edited April 2022 #82

    I have been a member of both clubs for over 5 years. Love the discount for us oldies. The big advantage of the caravan and motorhome club is the booking website as you can see availability over a range of dates as opposed to put exact dates in the search with the camping club.

  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited April 2022 #83

    Yes, been a member of both for several years, C&CC is better, particularly if you’re aged 60+.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,525
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    edited April 2022 #84

    I wonder if Sparky joined?

  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited April 2022 #85

    Let’s hope so as he will have made significant savings in the last 4 years.

  • Amesford
    Amesford Club Member Posts: 702
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    edited April 2022 #86

    We were members some 30 years ago but we rejoined again at the recent show NEC show.

  • Frank128
    Frank128 Forum Participant Posts: 25
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    edited May 2022 #87

    Front wheeled drive mud pig's 

  • KeefySher
    KeefySher Forum Participant Posts: 1,128
    edited May 2022 #88

    Is the oldies discount applicable if 1 of a couple is over 60, or do both have to be over 60?

  • Bonnymike
    Bonnymike Club Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2022 #89

    you will count as one of each if only one over 60

  • KeefySher
    KeefySher Forum Participant Posts: 1,128
    edited May 2022 #90

    Thank you