3G or 4G

Only you can tell because of your personal usage. Remember some places do not even have 3G, others no mobile at all. And how long until 5G is being offered (at an even higher price)?
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I've no idea what 'G' you get over there, David, but in this country I'd go for the 4G version although Nav makes some good points.
Actually, I'd rather just stick with my 4G phone and tether where I can.
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I was reading through a brochure yesterday evening that I picked up at the October NEC by http://www.motorhomewifi.com. They had a variety of WiFi and 3/4G connectivity options with aerials and all sorts. None of them particularly cheap though.
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The big question really is "what is it for"?
Once streaming video even y-tube stuff and Skype then 3G is destined to disappoint, but sending off the odd text email or looking up TV programs from a website it would be adequate. Here buying judiciously simply to offset obsolesce might be prudent.
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4G is faster, though, BB.
You seem to have only experienced the slower 3G so I understand it’s difficult for you to compare. It’s truly amazing how many UK locations now have 4G and I wouldn’t settle for less if the option to have 4G is available for only another £30 or so on the cost of a mifi unit.
Still, it’s what suits the individual.
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Deleted User by user.
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I have 4G on my Smart phone. It is fast but the downside is it seems to use a lot more data when tethered to my laptop. When I was using 3G in the same way the data use was a lot less. Given the fairly restrictive way you intend to use your device I think I would favour the 3G route. Certainly in France I have always found the 3G signal very good.
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Salutations Bolero Boy, I smiled when I read this extract from your posting:
"...despite a lifetime in the IT business, I'm happy to scrape along at the bottom of the technology food chain....having seen too many software and hardware disasters when on the 'bleeding edge', im happy to have something totally proven..."
Beautifully expressed! At last I have found the right words to explain to others why I still use a 2G Sony Ericsson K800i. (Similar career to you.) Still, I'm about to take the bold step of buying a Smartphone; can't help feeling a bit nervous though...
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Our 3 MiFi, we have had for years, is only 3G and often returns as fast times as the OH's O2 phone on 4G.
It really depends on how good a signal your phone / MiFi has and the particular network. My phone is on EE and the 3G is often as fast as the 4G on O2
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Sadly, I only spent half of my life in IT & Telecoms! Perhaps thats why I cannot afford a posh German van! But back to the point:
*. 4G is about 5 times faster than 3G.
*. LTE has started to roll out in big city areas and is 20 times faster than 3G.
*. 4G is much more stable than 3G.
My personal preference is to have a monthly account SIM only and buy and own the phone. I have an iPhone 6+, had it 2 years and it has lots of life in it yet. With Voda I pay £19 pm for SIM, with their Red extras, 4G, 20Gb data and unlimited txt and minutes per month. I find that with this phone I use my old ipad less and less and when mobile it is always there. I use the hotspot a lot for my wife's ipad and occasionally mine. Most places have 4G now.
it all works for me. Not interested in mifi, too much hassle and expensive.
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Since moving to 4G I very rarely have to buy wi-fi at a camp site and it is faster and more reliable than wi-fi.
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My UK data bundle is now EU wide, incl txts and voice.
I have a MIL who we must keep in touch with regularly, so need good comms. Otherwise, would have to stay home! I love 4G!