Chip Scare 2

I tried to post this a few minutes ago and all I got was internal server error. So here goes again.
All a little worrying. Apparently the manufactures and main computer firms have known about it for months and have been keeping it secret while they worked on patches. It has now become public knowledge BBC REPORT
Whilst those with devices using current operating systems seem to be generally covered, those with iOS, android, Windows etc devices only capable of running older versions are still vulnerable. It is not clear when or if these will be covered.
Agreed, it was the right thing to do. Shame it was leaked before they had time to work on older operating systems. Currently no fix for Windows 8, iOS 9/10 and older android devices, so these are still at risk. How much of a risk is uncertain. They say any hackers would have to be very good, not just your run of the mill variety.