CMC in the MMM
Interesting article in the January 2018 issue of MMM. It’s an interview with Harvey Alexander, Director of Marketing at the CMC. He explains some of the changes introduced and planned by the CMC to reflect the increasing number of motorhoming members.
According to the article, the CMC is looking at its CLs, a number of which are trialling matting that can help driving of grass. This will help those motorhomers who do not want to go to a CL because of the risk of getting stuck. The Club knows the current booking system is not ideal. It is working on it for 2018/19, introducing the new system for 2019 bookings. It’s not going to be rocket science but it will be in line with the market.
There is more in the two page article which is worth a read but not enough to justify buying the magazine just for the article.
The cynic in me is very wary of anything that is "marketing speak" aimed at the non captive audience,whereas the "loyal" captive audience (us) are it seems now only a secondery (if that high) consideration,when looking to increase market share
Ps of course CC Marketing as in most companies these days is one the best funded out of our money
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Rowena passed our comments on to the appropriate department after we made our feelings clear in the other thread and has promised to update us here when decisions have been made about the booking system.
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I am still working my way through the current issue of MMM although I saw the article but have not yet read it. It annoys me a bit that someone senior from the Club should disclose possible changes in an independent magazine before it has been fully mentioned to Club members. On the other hand non readers of motorhome magazines might not realise how much "anti" feeling/lack of knowledge there is towards the CMC from certain quarters and I suppose the article might go someway towards addressing that understanding?
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It annoyed me a lot, David. It was one more nail in the coffin and prompted my OP in the other thread. It’s insulting to treat members in such a way and an apology is in order.
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It's just the caravan / MH industry aligning to one message.
'Sod the customer'
Assemblers of common poor quality common parts masquerading as caravans have been at it for decades, the leviathan that was the CC, now CAMC has finally succumbed to same disdain and greed.
Lots of examples in the meedja this lunchtime of corporate greed at the expense of stakeholders.
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No. Just that if they decide to release 'exciting news' they perhaps consider letting existing members know at the same time using their own media outlet.
I'm only a member for the insurance nowadays so don't care too much what they do but some of the things they think will attract (or even interest) potential new customers is bizarre.
Ironically the booking system is one of the few things I like.
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In my OP I mentioned only two points from the two page article because those were two points that as a member I did not know about. I did know the booking system was being reviewed, just not the time scales.
I will ask the mods to remove my post as I have no intention of it being used to bash the club of which I am a member.
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No Husky, the board work on our behalf but if they are planning changes or whatever it would nice to keep members updated with news. The magazine and club social media might become more interesting too, I would think updates are a welcome part of the process. The social media element is the most speedy way of providing news and information, much of it is outdated at present. Snippets on FB from staff members go unnoticed except by a few eagle eyed readers who relay things on here.
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Is this the same department that thought it good to sponsor some bloke to go to Antartica, though he never started ( wonder did they get our sponsorship back) and the same department who thought a garden in the RHS was connected to caravanning. If so says it all. Also probably he same one that came up with the astronomically expensive name change. Got to justify your highly paid job- sod the members.
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You put your post in the public domain so we could comment, Aspenshaw, but now you want to deprive posters of that facility.
Not liking the responses is a chance we all take when we start a discussion. It’s life.
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Just had the printed 2018 UK Site Guide. Guess what our superb marketing department have done- The full picture is a Motorhome on a private site at Gruinard. You would have thought a basic "Marketing" pose would be at least a club site.How much do we pay this excellent brain I wonder, NO wonder prices have to increase to justify this .......
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Could somebody enlighten me; what does MMM stand for and is it worth getting? Presume it has to be ordered?
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hitchglitch, MMM is now the title of what used to be known as Motorcaravan Motorhome Monthly [as stated above]. It's dropped the long title.
The mag is produced by Warners and is linked to Warners' Out&About Live website which also has a Motorhome Matters forum. Warners run the big Motorhome Shows. Content of the magazine tends to be Travel articles, Tested [mainly van tests], Technical help which covers questions from readers and can be very useful, Buying guide, Regulars which is news and letters plus odds and sods.
I'd recommend it to any new or inexperienced motorhomer. It's a personal taste if you're a more experienced motorhomer. You should be able to get a free mini digital copy.
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It is probably the go to motorhome magazine. There is a lot of reader input and the technical side is a lot more detailed than many other magazines. A lot of magazines seem to exist just as a place to promote new motorhomes but MMM seems to deal with things in depth.