What size dog crate fits in the caravan?

Cavalier Caravaners
Cavalier Caravaners Forum Participant Posts: 88
edited December 2017 in Your Pets #1

Our cavalier puppy is now 12 weeks old. We are crate training at home (mixed success) and wondered where caravaners keep their puppy crated on the caravan? small dog= small crate. We have a 6 berth with bunk beds at the back and a side table with sofas that fold out to 2 more bunk beds and 6 seater lounge that folds out to double bed in front. The puppy does sleep without wining for 9 hours in the crate so when we use the Van in spring (its in the only storage we can get and we can't get it out until April) we still want to crate her at night rather than her sleep on beds with us. I have seen other replies putting puppy in the shower (not while its on) putting between the lounge beds (no good if bed pulled out to make double) and can't out by the door as that would block the exit.

perhaps if we can not figure it out she has to sleep on a sofa or a floor at the back?

what do others do with puppies at bed time?

really looking forward to April when we can take her out with us- going to be lots of fun!


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2017 #2

    Just a thought HC, do you use all the bunk beds or is there room for a crate under one or on top of a lower one? We always dismantled the crate in our motorhome due to lack of space and took soft dogs beds for the floor (not always successful!) Our small terrier sleeps on a covered seat at night, she is our last remaining dog now. When we had a Labrador in our caravan we made up a floor bed for her, it's all a bit of a compromise. smile

  • ChrisRogers
    ChrisRogers Forum Participant Posts: 435
    edited December 2017 #3

    Our Lurcher, now just over 2 years old has his own bed on the floor, but......................He likes our bed better, just have to get used to sharing!




  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2017 #4

    Don't they all....laughing

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2017 #5

    Our last three Collies have always stayed/slept on floor as a known "hazard"unless we are out then they tend to sleep where they feel comfy, as noted by the warm patch ,when we get the who me!!surprisedlaughing

  • ChrisRogers
    ChrisRogers Forum Participant Posts: 435
    edited December 2017 #6

    This also applies to caravanning!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited December 2017 #7

    We were in the caravan on one occasion and we were sitting either side of the table in the front of the caravan.  We suddenly realised that the dog was not sitting next to either of us.  After investigation we found her.........


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2017 #8

     Obviously  very  very  well  trained  !!

  • rich 81
    rich 81 Forum Participant Posts: 189
    edited December 2017 #9

    our spaniel sleeps in a medium crate. we put it between the lounge seats on a night and wen we get up we put the crate on the fixed bed for the day. its large crate from argos and fits perfect

  • Cavalier Caravaners
    Cavalier Caravaners Forum Participant Posts: 88
    edited January 2018 #10

    Thanks all


    DSB that is the cutest photo!