When is a CL not a CL?

Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,878
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edited October 2017 in Certificated Locations #1

Looking through a review of a CL that we wanted to stay at I noticed that one of the latest reviewers wasn't happy. The CL in question has an area of Hard Standings, all in a row, just as you enter the CL field behind the owners house. Directly opposite the H/S's is a large grassed area that also has pitches for use by members of the club as a CL, presumably in summer or drier times. These all have the usual hook ups and the grass area pitches are spaced further apart than those of the H/S's. So far, everything seems normal. You take your choice of whether to use H/S or Grass. 

However the reviewer was unhappy because the CL had more than the 5 members using it, I seem to think it was at least 7. He told the owner he wasn't happy but the owner stated that the grass area was separate from the CL. Now I know this isn't true because we have stayed there before. There is no demarcation line separating the two areas and as far as I can see the whole area is for the sole use as a CL. So are there any official CC guidelines which state what constitutes a separation? Or can the owner make up his own rules?

Yes, we did stay there again but there was only 4 vans on site and all on H/S.