Boxer 2.2 HDi 130 service interval
Hi all
No guidance whatever apparent in the manual! It is a 12 month old van now with 5000 miles up. The stamps are there in the book but no guidance on whether its 2 yearly or every 20000 miles or what!
Anyone know ?
There's nothing in our service book either, GM. I know what we were told by the MH dealer but intend to check with a Pug garage. Ours is a different engine and later model so possibly not the same service intervals as yours. I'd suggest you contact a garage as well.
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I'm still trying to get hold of the Peugeot cab handbook for my MH although I have been informed that it is a 20000 service interval for mine, a 2016 Marquis Majestic 125. Since a lot of MH's only seem to do around 5-6000 a year, that could mean a service to co-incide with the first MOT.
. Don't intend to leave mine that long irrespective of the mileage.
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I'm sure there will be a time element as well, CY. Lubricants can deteriorate over time and I suspect two years will be the max even if mileage is low. Service intervals can also be governed by the type of use the vehicle has as well as mileage/time.
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I have a Bailey motorhome with the same engine and my Peugeot service book clearly states that if the vehicle covers under 6000 miles a year it needs an oil change service annually. If more than 6000 miles is covered in a year I am pretty sure that it's every two years up to 29000 miles. Haven't got my book to hand to check as it's in the motorhome at the dealers.
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You are correct David.
Personally if I had spent tens of thousands of pounds on a van ( I did) I would change the oil and filter annually, at least, regardless of mileage, (and do).
I appreciate, from reading this and other forums that some will say oil has advanced blah blah, but it seems like false economy to me.....
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We have a 18 month old Peugeot based vehicle and the first service is due after two years but agree this is not stated anywhere in the paperwork. I am also not clear about whether the base vehicle warranty is the same as Autosleeper three years or just the Peugeot warranty of one year. Check with your dealer.
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This sort of question crops up regularly and has done for years....
Extended service intervals are obviously popular with accountants and non technical people, engineers often prefer a regular oil change. I think it also tends to be a european phenomenon (to be tight..
A few years ago I looked at a range of vehicles that were on sale in the UK and other parts of the world and that appeared to have the same engine or at least not an obviously different quality of manufacture.
I found that service intervals were often/usually more frequent overseas than in the UK.
Obviously some people will put that down to much harsher operating environments abroad. Or you may think that outside of the "tight" accountant led european market manufacturers don't actually believe in their own extended service requirements, after all, the engine only needs to last 3 years as far as they are concerned.....
Not a very exhaustive search this time I know, but here is an Australian Ducato with an annual oil change requirement, it looks the same Ducato to me that according to Fiat needs an oil change every 2 years in the UK!
Or a New Zealand Ducato...
I guess it depends on your attitude to preventative maintenance....
I know what mine is......
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After investigating I discovered that you need to go onto the Peugeot main website and under “myPeugeot” you can identify your vehicle and it will tell you exactly what service intervals are required and also the service status of your vehicle. It’s well worth doing and quite a user friendly website. You won’t need the VIN number, just the registration.
So, the first service is due after two years then, I think, annually (forgot to check). The Warranty is two years PLUS one extra year for purchasing through a UK dealer which I am sure also applies to a Motorhome built in the UK with an imported base vehicle. The warranty details are in the Peugeot service booklet where you get the service stamps, not on the website.
The problem I am having is that not many Peugeot dealers will service the Motorhome. Unless they have a large workshop it has to be done outside which they don’t like too much. Strange, because there must be a lot of Peugeot Boxers around that need work done although the Motorhome is bigger than a Boxer.
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Thanks for that info on servicing, HG.
I agree with your statement re the warranty period and have read exactly that myself.
In my experience, garages often don't like MHs because either the extra headroom needed to lift them on the ramps is a problem, or if they have the Alko chassis this makes the rear track too wide for the ramps.