Duplicated Posts

There seems to be an epidemic of duplicated posts around at the moment, in a number of sections. One has four threads running at once! Can't HQ sort this ongoing problem out, or at least try and merge the threads, or close duplicates down with an explanation? Even if the cause is beyond curing, it at least needs managing so that duplicates are not left to go on and on. Come on HQ, give FB a rest for a while, and show some dedication to this forum! A twice daily check would help!
I think you and I must have double/treble/quadruple vision, TDA, because this cannot be happening. Rowena told us the other day that the problem of duplicate new threads had been fixed. That was just before the situation got worse.
Honestly, 8 months and it's still a rubbish site! Why did the club waste their time, effort and money on this? Correction, our money! You and I are very well aware that far better software exists off the shelf than this pathetic excuse for a forum and website. Heads should be rolling.
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Well the way I go in through Club Together latest activity etc pages there are up to 5 of the same title, more from earlier dates. My example fatbelly post Freshwater East 21 August 5 new discussions timed at 1943, 3x 1947,1948 as start times. This is someone who uses the forum so not new. Is the system duplicating or too many presses?
I'm not sure the link below will work but I'll leave it as I might lose the whole post 😲
Yesterday I was informed by the site by hanging and wrong way signs eventually that I was logged out so re logged in and posted again. These days it leaves your post and I always copy to the clipboard before pressing reply 😉. So without checking I posted again. Guess what double reply. Now that doesn't happen does it? It's been fixed.......
With duplicate threads each one can be answered and they appear to be interchangeable. You can be on one with Y answers and hit page before or after and have fewer answers. Something is definitely very wrong 😉
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Sorry, you've lost me.
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Well... what can one say! I daren't click your link Bakers. Yes, lots of Freshwater East posts, others elsewhere as well. (And no, I won't be searching for them, someone elsewhere gets paid to do that job surely!) The forum seems to be playing up badly at moment, even by its own bottom dredging standards, very slow, I didn't recognise my log in details, duplicate posts.....
Ok, we know the chosen software is by Poundstretcher, but some routine cleaning up would help at the moment. I understand the mods are stretched as well, those still around, and have limited functionality, so it really is down to some HQ input, and perhaps not just Rowena, who probably has other duties as well?
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Very sensible brue. But others don't so there's replies on them all sometimes 😂😂😂. Even doing that doesn't resolve it. I've been on threads - title escape me, where I think I'll follow this through and the next page either back or forward it will go from say 9 posts to 2 posts.
Definitely an issue 😲
I must say this site has taught me much from IT to patience with a bit of our hobby thrown in 😃
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The issue of duplicated posts within a thread has been solved. The issue of duplicated threads has not but is work in progress as Rowena reported the other day. The problem is that when posting a new discussion the submit button is not greyed out so posters assume their new discussion has not been posted and they submit again, and again.
I mentioned this in the Snagging List thread. It would be a great help if people hold off from posting a reply when they see there are duplicate threads. That makes it easier to hide/delete the excess threads. I know that is a big ask but until we have a solution to the issue it's the only way I know of tidying the threads up.
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It's more than a big ask, David, but clearly not as big an ask as getting the problem sorted. I could have sworn Ro said it had been fixed but life's too short to plough back through.
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A review at 1352 Apleasant place for a short break by 2books appears twice on latest activity page.
Maybe all these duplicate posts slow down the website 😉.
I'm sure Rowena said a week or more ago that had been passed on..................... Life's too short to check back and who knows where to actually look? 😂
Edit as I scroll down I find a third same time
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It's the only way I know of that can prevent all the mix up of posts and how they appear. If I can get to a duplicate before anyone answers I can help but once replies are made it's a bit messy. Obviously I can't be on here all the time.
I only generally look at reviews when either I want to go to that site or something is raised on here that might arouse my interest. I don't have any jurisdiction over the review section and I think the problems there takes up a lot of Rowena's time.
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I reported duplicate post 3 days ago and also sent Ro an e-mail, no idea if anything has happened.
I've never been on another website where posts have duplicated themselves. Fundamentally just typical of the badly designed and constructed website.
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"The problem is that when posting a new discussion the submit button is not greyed out so posters assume their new discussion has not been posted and they submit again, and again."
David, I do not believe that this is the (sole) cause of the issue. I (and most regulars I would think), are fully aware by now that hitting the button a second time could cause the problem. We are therefore VERY careful to only click once ....... but the duplicate/triplicate posts STILL occur at random.
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David thanks for your reply, I know the review section is not in your remit. The problem is more obvious when you view the website via latest activity (which is my main choice.) I often read the reviews because I see them on there, these are often CLs which are new to me. I now wonder if they are only being monitored when spotted on line later by a site owner or the club. However multiple repeat reviews are a regular occurrence.
When I press reply on here I normally see a blue highlighter round the reply tab. The tab turns from green to grey. This is not always an indicator that the post has gone through, sometimes it fails or there is a long delay.
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I'm sure we all appreciate you're fighting a losing battle and banging your head against a brick wall, David.
Where are all the super staff mods? Has anybody spotted them being active in clearing the place up? Other than the odd sugary comment, I've not seen one actually do anything since the day they were introduced. Indeed, I've seen more than one staff mod post in a thread in the wrong section but not move that thread. What is the point of them?
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The website is slow slow when posting, I'am sure a lot of the duplicate threads are down to clicking more than once. When posting the site doesn't respond and so you click reply again, and get 2 posts.😠
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Likewise, I too appreciate your efforts DK, but sometimes it isn't until you have posted in a thread, that you realise that it is a duplicate, or a triplicate, and are left wondering what is going on.
Hence my suggestion of HQ monitoring the forum maybe a couple of times a day at present, as they seem to be the only ones with the magic buttons to oversee such problems. Surely someone from across on FB section could help out a bit more than usual on here until it is resolved. I also suspect that it relates mainly to folks using Apple devices, IPad, IPhone etc.... as there have been problems right from change over back in January. When I contacted Livechat about some help a while ago the best response was "don't you have a none Apple device?"
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I mentioned the quadruple Freshwater East post yesterday in the Snagging List thread. But does HQ/HO ever look at that thread? From the sound of it, CT is a poor relation and staff appear busier on FB. (I don't "do" FB myself, but going off comments on CT, it seems staff are very active on FB). There is a limit on what the mods can do in relation to multiple posts, as per the reply from David Klyne, both on here and in the Snagging List thread. Must be quite frustrating for them too I'd imagine. It's one thing moderating a forum, but it must be like banging your head against a brick wall when having to deal with a forum like this.
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They have probably all fell asleep waiting for a response from the site😴
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Notice that there's not been a response today from HO....now isn't that strange!!
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Here's a reminder of all the mods
We have also recruited more staff members as moderators, to give myself, Rowena and our champions a helping hand:
Helen Aaron
Finally, as you are most likely aware, your member Champions are as follows:DSB
David Klyne
Dave Waring
I’ll ask everybody to introduce themselves on this thread, I hope this proves useful for you in getting to know the team0