Putting up flag Degrading our Club Sites



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2017 #62

    In Cornal two year ago at Cristmas and New yearwink  Devon a bit more colour and it is the same for our county flag its a Google jobsurprised

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,437
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    edited September 2017 #63

    Christmas and New Year might attract a few more in Cornwall but, in Devon, very unlikely. 

    Whatever, the numbers of county flags flying are insignificant. 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2017 #64
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  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited September 2017 #65

    What "Wrong Message" would you be sending out if you were flying the Union Flag from a pole.  It's our flag. It represents our country.

     I've seen flags of many nations being flown on sites on the continent, are you saying that they are all sending out the " Wrong Message".


  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2017 #66

    It is "That Flag" and what it stands for that all of us born here or those who decided to become a citizen have to thank for what we have, who we are and what this wonderful is.  I know a few people who knock this country and live abroad (some of them family) but they still fly home to use the NHS when they need medical help and take advantage of other benefits of living here. Strange that, isn't it. I don't fly flags or light my caravan up like a Christmas tree, but it doesn't bother me that some do.  

    It is sending out a Message, a proud onecool 


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2017 #67
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  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #68

    Those that fly flags of whatever nationality or to declare your love of something on caravan sites, do you do the same outside your home? If not, why do you feel compelled to only do this on holiday?

    Those that fly flags outside your caravan on holiday, do you attach national flags to the tops of your car doors around the time of the FIFA World Cup?

    Suppose I'm asking the question of whether a flag flyer is a serial flag flyer, taking every opportunity to show allegiance to something or other, or is it just something about being away in a caravan that turns you into a flag flying maverick?

    Serious questions, just curious as to what drives this other than maybe for those that feel it helps them find their way back from the toilet block (which I kind of understand but don't believe this is everyone's motivation)

    I do think it's harmless, but also can be an eyesore, when surrounded by beautiful scenery.


  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #69

    Would you be OK with an ISIS flag being flown at a caravan site and have the same understanding in that it's perfectly OK, it's what the flag owner believes in and is proud of its what it represents, whether you the viewer agrees or not?

    The Union Jack, or Cross of St George might be sending out a proud message to some, probably the majority, but not everyone.


  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited September 2017 #70


    I fly my non national flag whilst at festivals etc because it's quite difficult finding your way back in the dark at them

    6000 tickets sold for the most recent one and no marked pitches. 

    I would never fly the national flag at something like this. Not distinctive enough. I would never fly the national flag for any sporting event because I detest sport and take no interest 

    I have flown a flag at home but it's not the national one and it's usually only on election days as we share  a boundary with the polling station. 

    I have not (yet) flown a flag at a formal caravan site but now I know that some people avoid flag flyers it's definitely looking quite appealing 

    Edit - the photo that was to be uploaded was too big

  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2017 #71

    I think you misunderstand, I was just replying to the "wrong message" statement and the ISIS thing is never going to happen on a CC site, is it.

     All I was trying to say is it's our nations flag and we should be proud to see it  wherever it's raised.   


  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #72

    Of course it's unlikely to see such a flag on a CC site but it was an extreme example of how a flag can cause division. What may be a proud symbol to some can be offensive to others. Examples of such division, sadly, close to home in not so distant times.

    The Union Jack, flags of our individual country nations, or flags of other nations further afield are just that, national flags. I have no problem seeing them, but have no feeling of pride in seeing them either, nor will I fly one with pride. 

    Sadly, there are fanatics who take pride in their National Flag to the extreme, tarnishing the true meaning of what they represent.


  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited September 2017 #73

    No, it is Not clear AD it is ambiguous. You made an ambiguous  statement, you were asked to clarify what you had said. --You are now saying that it was political. -- But --Political discussion is not allowed on this forum, so why did you post as you did. ?.


  • EJB986
    EJB986 Forum Participant Posts: 1,153
    edited September 2017 #74

    As I mentioned earlier the OP really did a good wind up....some more than others of coursewinksealed

  • EJB986
    EJB986 Forum Participant Posts: 1,153
    edited September 2017 #75

    Even caught me with a double twitchsealed

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2017 #76
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  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,890
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    edited September 2017 #77

    flying a Union Jack from a pole would send out entirely the wrong message as far as we are concerned.

    The message of "Distress" can be conveyed by flying the Union Flag upside down. Though not everyone can recognise that.

  • S-max Jonny
    S-max Jonny Forum Participant Posts: 81
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    edited September 2017 #78


    There's a nickname these days for people that get easily "offended" and they are called "snowflakes".

    Get a grip and deal with it.

    RODBLYTH Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2019 #79

    Yes I'm with you Banff. Down with Flags and Neon lights etc.

    Think of your neighbours on the site and the poor residents that have to look out on to these areas

    It's disrespectful of the beautiful countryside that we are privileged to enjoy on these small sites. Why do these idiots think we want to look at them. That's all it is...……. Look at me! Look at me!  Yuk! They are most inconsiderate. Unfortunately it's typical of society these days.

    I'm so surprised that the CL's don't stamp this out.



  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,391
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    edited April 2019 #80

    That's the trouble with this web site. It keeps throwing up threads that would have been best left buried.👎

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited April 2019 #81

    I take it your not keen on them !!!!surprised

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,437
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    edited April 2019 #82

    Why people feel the need to resurrect something that's done and dusted, I really don’t know.

    To Rod I say life's too short to grump about a couple of flags.

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited April 2019 #83

    What time do I have to leave on Sunday?!!!!!winkwinkyellundecided


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,679
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    edited April 2019 #84

    I was wondering when we'd get round to flags again.

    Is it just me but is there a pattern? There have been a spate of the usual 'contentious' issues cropping up recently


    Purely out of interest Rob how did you find this thread? Also have you seen many on site on your travels?

    Also why just CL's stopping them?  I'm so surprised that the CL's don't stamp this out 

    Unlike the club each CL is owned individually and it's up to the owner to decide, perhaps some do?  

    I don't mind them. They could do damage or make noise but you could say that about anything on a site?


  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2019 #85

    It depends on how many Dogs you have🤣🤣

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,679
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    edited April 2019 #86

    I have never thought to ask, what is the official line?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,679
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    edited April 2019 #87

    are dogs allowed on club site? Is there a limit to how many?

    Why doesn't the club charge...


    Thought we could get a few done and out of the way?

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,159
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    edited April 2019 #88

    You might have to ask the person who resurrected the thread? Not sure if it's still the case but if you start a new thread with the name of an existing thread it defaults to that rather than creating a new thread of the same name. Given that Rodblyth mentions the OP in his post that is possibly not the answer?

    Unless the Club can automatically lock threads of say a year old or older it would be a mammoth task to go through all the discussions to lock them manually!


  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited April 2019 #89

    Now , dogs walking round the site waving flags would be something to see wink

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,679
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    edited April 2019 #90

    with fairy light on them

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited April 2019 #91

    now that would be just plain silly wink