How would you negotiate this bit of road?

Hopefully this will work - this is a link to google maps of the road I need to negotiate to get out on to the A24 and head north. It's basically a bit of a dog leg. I need to go to the end of Greatham Road and veer round to the left exit turning left on to the A24.
I drove out this morning pretending I had a caravan behind me and I thought it was doable (but what do I know!!!). Reason I am asking it looks like I will have to tow my caravan before my towing course starts (gulp!)
L xx
Looks quite do-able. Remember if you are close to full lock on your tow vehicle the back end of the trailer will move out more.
I presume that you got the caravan in there in the first place without a crane . . . ?
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It's a 2 berth single axle 2001 Abbey Freestyle 470SE btw. The man who was with me said it was too much of a dog leg coming in from the A24 so we turned up Vale Drive, along Hillview Road, turned right at the end, went up Hillview Rise then left along Parham Road and then down Greatham Road!!! - I had to drive between parked cars on either side and it was not a good experience.
I am convinced it is simpler just to go straight out!!
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If it looks simpler - it probably IS !
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With a modest sized caravan like yours I do not see any problem. There is no lamp post or anything else in the way so just take the left hand turn fairly wide to allow for any cut in and the right turn onto the main road looks straight forward. The big problem might be the volume of traffic if you want to go right onto the main road, but just take your time and wait for a suitable space. If anybody wants to turn in they will probably need to let you out.
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Rosie. I live not too far away from you so I have just been up to have a look at the junction. Whilst agreeing it may be a little tight if turning south on to the A24 it is certainly doable and should be no problem if going north. However, if at all worried why not just go up Greatham along Parham and down Hill View to the A24? That is what I would do.
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Looks do able to me. I have been known to avoid some difficult areas but this one looks OK. As MM says use all of the road. You will never avoid all problem areas, and you will come across others more challenging than this. Even when you think you have checked everything out you can get caught out. This holiday I reviewed a tight approach through a French village and was fairly happy. However, they had closed a road for resurfacing and we had to make an almost 180 degree turn off the main road. Just take it slow and steady, keep checking your mirrors and I am sure you will be OK.
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Rosie. I see you have recently posted 3 questions which have all been answered. However, I would be happy to pop over if you have any more when you get back - not until mid July as off to Italy until then
. Re route out, use my suggestion as it will also keep you away from Vale School and it is only a couple hundred yards further than the tight (ish) bend.
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Italy - silly me! Enjoy!! It was just all the parked cars on either side of the road that scared me about Parham. However that was very kind of you to take the trouble to look at the 'dogleg'
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We did it!!
My neighbour helped me hitch it up - it was facing down a grassy incline so we backed the car up to it as we didn't know how the motor mover would behave on wet grass.
Drove out - two gardeners stopped what they were doing and stared as I negotiated the corner but I got out ok. Drove to the compound and unhitched and then came the motor mover! Wow, I could have played with that all day! I let my neighbour play with it as well - 2 big kids!
Anyway it is safely parked up and I am now breathing. Thanks again to everybody who pitched (no pun intended) in with their advice xxx
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I know what you mean about a mover Rosie , great fun aren't they.😀I first came across one when I was sitting in my van having a you do , when I noticed this van trundling past the window on it's own .My first thought was I've got to stop drinking I'm seeing thing's.😂😂