Creating a new CL

newcountrygirl Forum Participant Posts: 16
edited May 2017 in Certificated Locations #1

We are thinking of applying to open a CL.  We previously had CL permission from the Motorcaravanners Club but felt they did not have the membership to populate their sites .

Ours would be a basic CL - (like they used to be) A lovely grassed area plus wildlife pond, which is regularly visited by deer, owls, brown hares, badgers, otters etc. Plus a chemical waste emptying site and fresh water.  What I would like to know is - do people still want these sort of CL's or does everyone these days want electric hookups, showers and hardstandings. If the answer is yes, then we wouldn't persue it .  Thanks for reading.



  • wye
    wye Forum Participant Posts: 241
    edited May 2017 #2

    Iam always on the look out for a basic CL .

  • wildemere
    wildemere Forum Participant Posts: 68
    edited May 2017 #3

    We have had our CL for some 20 years , we are not in a tourist area and the county side is not known for its beauty , but we have 10 amp electrics to each pitch plus water. All I would add is we have had 400 nights usage so far this year. We offer a discount for not using electrics but not often taken up.

  • DianneT
    DianneT Forum Participant Posts: 521
    edited May 2017 #4

    We only visit C&MC CL's. But would not use one without electrics.  If you are going to be using your own Showers and Toilets Electric is needed.  Firstly for the toilet flush and the many gadgets that need charging up these days phone etc. Wildmere Farm is ideal for us and others like it.


  • DaveCyn
    DaveCyn Club Member Posts: 360
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    edited May 2017 #5

    Yes please 👍

    Always on the lookout for a good basic CL just as you describe. Which part of the country are you in?

  • wye
    wye Forum Participant Posts: 241
    edited May 2017 #6

    We always shower daily and use the loo , when needed lol.

    There are other options as discussed many times on here ie   solar and and gas .wink

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited May 2017 #7

    Whilst you will always get some who want the most basic of facilities I somehow doubt that you will get the occupancy you might expect. Unless your ground is very firm in all weather conditions some form of hardstanding would be a good idea for motorhomers unless you have the facility to tow off if the ground becomes soft. I expect, in terms of financial return, the more you offer the better the occupancy will be and therefore the better the return. If that is not so important to you why not try it as a basic CL and see how you get on?


  • newcountrygirl
    newcountrygirl Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited May 2017 #8

    I know there are a lot of people who want electrics etc but we are aiming at the people who want to just enjoy the countryside and the basic CL. It's not about the money for us - it's more about meeting people and encouraging them to enjoy their surroundings. We are only 3 miles from some fantastic beaches and we have the big skies of Lincolnshire.laughing

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited May 2017 #9

    I guess that apart from the question you have ask the important consideration is are you going to open all year.  If you are then you might have to reconsider not having EHU.  The chances are your visitors will be adult only so you might lose opportunities there. We have a solar panel and do use very basic sites from time to time for upto 3 nights at a time.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,522
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    edited May 2017 #10

    Sites without electricity are not a problem for me, in fact I would sooner have a hard standing than electric but relaise I am probably in a minority. The trend these days seems to be most like to have electricity.

    Lincolnshire is a big county and has many CLs especially in the tourist areas. What you do might depend on the competion you have about you but if your not in it for the money, I would keep it simple.

    Given that the MCC's CLs are open to everybody whether you are a member or not, I cannot see the advantage of becoming a Certified Location of any other Club other than for the extra publicity it might give you.


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited May 2017 #11

    the MCC's CLs are open to everybody whether you are a member or not

    How do they make that work?   Is there some loophole in the legislation that means it does not apply to them?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2017 #12

    Does sound as if the MCC are breaking the rules for Using their cl network as one of the regulations/conditions for getting an exemption certificate/licence is that all user must belong to the "club" the certificate is issued to 

  • newcountrygirl
    newcountrygirl Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited May 2017 #13

    please don't use my post to go off piste about MCC. I was just trying to ask a simple question as to whether anyone out there still wants a basic CL.


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2017 #14

    I think it was your comment about the MCC that provoked the posts

    but the post from the other CL should help in your decision

  • newcountrygirl
    newcountrygirl Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited May 2017 #15

    Thank you JVB66.  I have read other threads where people are saying they really like the basic CL with just CDP and water.  I am just trying to gauge whether it is worth persuing.  We do have a lovely area for caravans as I stated before, and our aim would be to welcome lots of new people who would enjoy the countryside. We have no wish to put in hardstandings as they would spoil the look of the site, nor would we wish to put in costly EHU at the moment. If we were to be granted a CL, we would obviously see how it went before putting in EHU. I know we could charge more for those facilities, but that is not our

  • wildemere
    wildemere Forum Participant Posts: 68
    edited May 2017 #16

    I feel you need to look at how much commitment you are prepared to put into running the CL in a basic form. You will need to be on hand re bookings, cut the grass , clear the dust bins, see new arrivals . I find there is a quite large commitment of my time in running a CL. Most of my visitors expect the facilities we offer , It takes very little extra time to see after a full CL as one not heavily used.  

  • newcountrygirl
    newcountrygirl Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited May 2017 #17

    We are quite prepared for the commitment Wildmere. The commitment side has nothing to do with the fact that we don't want hardstandings

  • wildemere
    wildemere Forum Participant Posts: 68
    edited May 2017 #18

    We are lucky in that our soil is sandy so we have no hard standings. We have over the years added our services. Electrics are only 10 amp, this we find helps restrict some usage. But I would add we are all different and whatever you do I wish you luck, we have made many new friends and had fun running the CL. Go for it and enjoy.   

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,470
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    edited May 2017 #19

    NCGirl, I thought you were asking the question about what people wanted but it looks to me as if you've made up your mind to go with the basic concept.

    That's fine and it's what some people prefer. Personally, I consider EHU a must and a HS is good although not essential. You must make up your own mind. 

  • newcountrygirl
    newcountrygirl Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited May 2017 #20

    No Tinwheeler I was asking if some people still liked and used basic sites.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,470
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    edited May 2017 #21

    I think you have an answer - some do, some don't. 

    It's your call.

  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited May 2017 #22

    We are keen users of the 5 van sites of both the clubs and have no need for EHUs from March through till the end of October. Outside those dates it is usually too challenging for my solar system and weatherwise my wife.

    We indeed prefer the non EHU site simply because they are unattractive to a certain clientele; with very few exceptions those we meet on them are those we feel "in-tune" with. That's not to be taken as a general comment on those that do go for EHUs, but a small minority of inconsiderate users that through our years of experience indicates would not be there on sites without the EHU.

    Also with the laws restricting occupancy to just 5 vans and the inability to put a markup on the resale of electricity recovering the cost in all but "honeypot" locations, is we know challenging. The more so where the power is not readily available on the site and the cost of provision, has to be added to the unavoidable cost of maintenance.

    Certainly there are those that want the type of site you are proposing. However, whether we are enough in number now and into the future is questionable, as we note again from experience these sites get a lower occupancy than those with at least EHUs. Much will depend on what the location itself is seen by users to offer and I expect like our pattern the use will be main season only.

    We wish you success in the venture if you go ahead, users like ourselves feel that 5 van sites are the jewel in the club and the club from our point of view desperately needs you, far from sure it realises that though.


  • newcountrygirl
    newcountrygirl Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited May 2017 #23

    Thankyou Ocsid.  We would only want to be open in the main season anyway.

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited May 2017 #24

    We don't need or want toilets and showers, can manage for ages without EHU and although Hardstanding is much preferred we'll pitch on grass at the right price. 

    We don't use CLs much any more unless their location is suitable for our needs and most are too remote for me. However many folk do like to be in the middle of the countryside so the market is undoubtedly there. 

    Personally I don't feel that this club supports CL owners well enough and I'd definitely be looking at the C&CC as an alternative 

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,926
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    edited May 2017 #25

    There's a review on here of a basic CL without facilities or electricity in a non tourist part of inland agricultural Cornwall - I forget the exact words but it says something on the lines of For the first week of August we were the only Caravan on site. That might give you some guidance.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,522
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    edited May 2017 #26

    Just to clarify NCG, your OP implies you are no longer an MCC certified site. If this is incorrect then perhaps advertising you site more widly might bring in more custom. e.g. >here<


  • newcountrygirl
    newcountrygirl Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited May 2017 #27

    We did get certification but then had health problems so never opened. We then got to thinking about the Caravan Club and were trying to decide if it would be better for us.  Thanks

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,522
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    edited May 2017 #28

    Ok thanks NCG, it is clearer now, perhaps an existing CL owner who started up like you are proposing will post some views. I personally don't think you have anything to lose by starting up without electric, it won't put everybody off.


  • newcountrygirl
    newcountrygirl Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited May 2017 #29

    Thanks Peedee

  • Vicmallows
    Vicmallows Forum Participant Posts: 580
    edited May 2017 #30

    I for one, specifically seek out basic no-facillity grass-sites, because I much prefer them!   In my case these are C&CC CSs, (since not a member of this club).

    Although I have no specific evidence, I sense that there may be more interest. In very basic sites like you propose amongst C&CC members. Not every one can justify being a member of both clubs.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,449
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    edited May 2017 #31

    Interesting ncg! We have just come back from North Lincolnshire, and have been staggered at just how lovely and peaceful the place is, with brilliant wildlife. I would suggest your location will be very important, lovely site will still need a little bit more of interest to attract people to stay, say something like an interesting house/garden/church/ attraction for at least a run out on a not so hot sunny day! 

    We are fans of fairly basic sites, admittedly we do tend to use a hook up if it is provided, but often just 5amps. Decent underwheel ground helps as well, but not essential as we carry our own waffle boards. Depends if you just intend Summer opening. These are the only two extras that might increase your visitor numbers really, without vast expense. Toilets and showers are luxury items, and probably a step too far expenditure wise for just five vans. 

    Good luck if you get on with things!laughing