First years service query

Ken and Lorn
Ken and Lorn Forum Participant Posts: 59

So we have had our pile of faults that some would call   caravan nearly a year  now, so time for the service. 

Can someone advise what is checked in the service  what can make it fail and what happens should she fails? 

We have had so many faults and issues with her during this first year, we are worried sick she will fail and we get a huge bill we can't afford and aren't able to use our van until we do. 

Plus we are still waiting on our car insurance to give us the all clear to get some  minor damaged repaired to outside of the van after a car drove down the side of her while we were stationary and towing her would this affect the service?


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited May 2017 #2

    If the 'van was new 12 months ago it is for the dealer to carry out any fault repairs at his cost. Your cost is for the service alone.

    I presume that you are claiming on the other cars insurance as your car insurance would not cover repairs to the caravan? 

  • ChrisRogers
    ChrisRogers Forum Participant Posts: 435
    edited May 2017 #3

    When my caravan had it's first service, within the given time scale as stated in the handbook. I gave the dealer a list of all the problems to be sorted and put right under warranty, including a cracked rear panel, he also found another problem. Dealer had it for 8weeks and it was all sorted under warranty. Claim for caravan damage as said above, your car insurance only covers third party damage to others, you need to get your caravan insurance company involved to claim off the other party.

  • JohnM20
    JohnM20 Club Member Posts: 1,421
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    edited May 2017 #4

    If I remember correctly you can download, from the NCC website a list of all the things that should be covered by a service by an approved NCC service engineer. You can then check to make sure your dealer has done everything. I think we are all assuming that you bought the caravan from new.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,197
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    edited May 2017 #5

    A service is usually in two parts. Firstly the agent will go through a predefined list of checks in accordance with the manufacturers requirements which you pay for. Secondly they will attend to any issues that you have raised and being such a new van they should be corrected under the warranty free of charge unless of course they are the result of user damage. I don't think you need to be worried about anything failing in the sense of an MOT. 



  • Ken and Lorn
    Ken and Lorn Forum Participant Posts: 59
    edited May 2017 #6

    We are trying to claimi  heir insurance.  I initially gave he caravan insurance details but when we rang up we were told as it was being towed its the car's insurance that deals with it.  Car insurance greed and told us we were stationary at the time and had tzken evry precaustion to warn others so we were not at fault..


    Everything was going smoothly until three or four months later the other driver decided to argue fault and denied he was at fault, we hadnt pukked over far enouh (a store delivery van passed us no problem before himand another several cars behind him, he passed the car and towing mirrors mo problem, then swerved over and drove right along side he caravan.. we couldnt pull over anyfurther we were so close that I couldnt get out of the passengers and he hit the side if the van we felt the jolt in the car..) so car insurance is dealing with it as he is now contesting it was listed as we were at fault until proven otherwise so when car i surance came up for renewal the payment was over double the price(we've been told that we will get the over payments back once its settled)

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited May 2017 #7

    If you have legal cover with your insurance use it. If not I would still consider engaging a solicitor if it drags on. It matters not how far over you were pulled in. If he could not drive through he should simply have stopped. 


  • Ken and Lorn
    Ken and Lorn Forum Participant Posts: 59
    edited May 2017 #8

    Yes it was supposed to be brand new thouh we suspect it had been used for display as well.. as it was quite dirty when we picked up.


    She was a replacement as he wheel came off he first van on our return home from our first trip with her damaging he floor so was written off.  

    The dealer had that one 6months before the insurance finally agreed with eldis and the dealer she was to be written off.  This caravan had been in their show yard all that time, and as I said when we picked her up signed all papers and immediately went home to pack her and then drove off, we hadnt checked her out  before leaving show room (hind sight is a wonderful thing and a harsh lesson learned).

    The dealer told us he would give us a month's free storage when we got back, as well as a reduction in he cist of storage as comoensation for not having a van so long.

     It was too kate to ring the dealer when we got her to the house and noticed how dirty they were.

    Tried ringing the next day but they were at a show so the 'store' was closed and noone answered phone so rang them after the weekend by which time we had a side and a half of faults to leg them know.  They knew we were away and told us to give them the list when we returned to store her.  We reminded them it would be about 4 weeks time and they said not  problem.


    After our trio we took her back and they had her for 6 weeks to repair some things like the lights falling out the roof everytime you moved he van,radio dvd not working, shower doors being off the rail, and edging coming off the worktops, but there was a lot of things they told us cojkdnt berepaired as it was too late as they needed to repaired with in 7days of our collection, (like a dent in the table as it had been put in the storage cupboard wrongly befire we bought hercausing the leg to push into the underside of the table.. so they filled that with woodfiller and there being no stoppers on the curtains so they woukd fall off the rail).  We argued that hey had said it wijkd be okay for us to bring her in but hey argued nothing could be done.  

    We also descovered they left our van with our stuff in still with the key in the door and unlocked and the wheel and towbar locks lying in the caravan.  There was also a couple of small dents in her and a scratch we knew wasnt there before as we checked before we left her we sttaed tjis but they argued they had seenthem there when they took photos of her he day we dropped her off.. which was at 8.30 the day AFTER we dropped her off at 4.30pm (time was definate as we had tk thenrush into town to get to the bank before they closed.)They also said the free storage offer was used up while  they were working in her.  

    We've since found out that the lack of care for owners who store their vans with them us commonplace and that several vans had gone missing while stored there.  The storage area is a top, and has a lot of broken wire  metal rods, cans and other dangerous items lying around for you to drive over to find a space to store yourvan.

    So we arent going back to them for the service, we have been given a mobile engineer bh a fellow member we are going to use.

    The list of faults has got worse we tried writting tl eldis but didnt hear back.

    There is so much wrong its why we are worried thtshe would fail her service so thanks for all the replies guys we appreciate it

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited May 2017 #9

    As others have said, a service is routine maintenance. There is no pass or fail. It is not an MOT.

    Have you considered contacting the club's legal department for help with the areas of dispute - the accident and the dealer issues? 

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited May 2017 #10

    I am with EasyT. If you were stationary and the other party hit you they have no defence and it is a try on. Saying there was not enough room is no defence, if you cannot get through safely you do not go.

    Get  any legal insurance you have to act or just issue a small claims summons and watch the defence evaporate.