Speed Limits France - Towing

BigAonTour Forum Participant Posts: 14

Slightly confused by items I have read on various sites, including some French based ones, regarding speed limits.

The references to GVW over 3.5 tonnes does not make it clear if they are referring to total train weight or gross towing vehicle weight. 

I am now towing with a Transit Custom 290 L1H1 double cab in van which has a mass in running order of 1.975 T (2.94 T gross) pulling a Bailey valencia (2014) MTPLM 1.497T 1.343 mass in running order. (+ motormover, gas and crocks).

Which ever way you do the sums I will be running with a train weight of around 3.5 tonnes and the plan is to load the Transit and not the caravan.

The question is will I be limited to 80 and 90 kph due to the train weight  or the higher limit for towing vehicle (either way I never tow over 60 mph).

Your advice will be gratefully received and duly actioned during my long drag south in June. 


Alan Muncaster

Moderator Comment - This has been moved here from Ask the Expert


  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2017 #2

    If the stated Gross Train Weight of your vehicle is over 3.5t you are restricted to the lower limit irrespective of your trailer weight. A ridiculous rule which in some instances allows a smaller lighter vehicle towing a caravan to travel at the higher limit


  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,402
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    edited April 2017 #3

    Hi Alan, As Vulcan says its the plated gross train weight of the towing vehicle that matters and, if over 3.5 tonne, then its 90 KPH.

    I usually tow at around 56-60 MPH so no difference and if you add in the apparent abundance of hidden speed cameras in France and the increased fuel economy then 90 kph is quite attractive!

    The best fuel consumption I ever get is when on our European trips as we tend to do 2 hour stints,mostly at a steady speed, and I regularly get around 7-8 mpg more. 

  • BigAonTour
    BigAonTour Forum Participant Posts: 14
    edited April 2017 #4

    Thanks guys.

    the sites I looked at gave a rather confused read as to what they actually meant. My interpretation would have been vehicles over 3.5 T.

    As it is the Gross Train Weight of the new Transit is 5.14T it will be 90kph for me. Best estimate of my actual train weight is just shy of 3.5 T. 

    Like you I find towing around the mid 50's gives improved mpg and a much more relaxing drive.

    2 hour stints - absolutely the sat nav is set to ping at 2 hours.



  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,402
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    edited April 2017 #5

    Saw on another forum tonight that reciprocal arrangements for fining drivers for eight different motoring offences, including speeding,come into force in early May 2017.

    Seems the UK will have to implement Europe wide agreement and DVLA will have to pass details to countries were offences take place. The article did say that as we are different, in that it is the driver that is responsible not the owner of the vehicle, we would not pursue offenders from other countries as we would not be able to prove who was driving.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,070
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    edited April 2017 #6


    Glad you have found your thread.

    Strangely swapping from a caravan to a motorhome, (which fits in the up to 3500kgs category)  in 2013 we have freed ourselves such restrictions which seems a bit strange. Although if we towed any form of trailer that would take us over the weight limit. When we towed we never did tow at anywhere near the allowed motorway limits before the restrictions were put in place so the downward adjustment in speed did not really impact on us. If you go further afield than France you will find towing speeds even lower in some cases regardless of weight.


  • Lutz
    Lutz Forum Participant Posts: 1,569
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    edited April 2017 #7

    My understanding is that it is also the plated gross train weight that applies and not the sum of the plated gross vehicle weight of the towcar and the plated MTPLM of the caravan, but maybe someone will correct me.

    If my information is correct, it would mean that the lower speed limit would apply in France even if the total plated gross weight of the actual combination in question is less than 3500kg, but the gross train weight, as plated on the towing vehicle, over 3500kg.

  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited April 2017 #8

    To more completely understand the limits;

    The concession for towing vehicles of GTW over 3500kg to go above 80 kph to 90, only applies on otherwise unrestricted dual carriageways with a solid separating divider.

    I certainly agree with the sentiment of it being illogical that a fully loaded small vehicle towing a caravan can go to 130 kmh, but a heavier and likely more competent vehicle towing a camping trailer is limited to 90 kph.

    Unfortunately, being logical or not it is the system, though I note widely abused by locals and visitors alike.

  • Extugger
    Extugger Forum Participant Posts: 1,293
    edited April 2017 #9

    Hi Alan

    My understanding is that you are towing with a commercial vehicle, therefore you're restricted to lower speed limits, irrespective of weights.


  • Jamsdad
    Jamsdad Forum Participant Posts: 275
    edited April 2017 #10

    I tow a light two berth and my train weight is under the magic 3.5t but you would be absolutely bonkers to try to tow at 130 kmph in a French motorway - dangers of snaking, braking distances, and to say nothing of sped freak car drivers... no thanks ! 60 mph with an occasional burst to get buy a lorry is plenty enough for me whatever the country.

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Forum Participant Posts: 3,007
    edited April 2017 #11

    I never had any concerns towing at up to 70 mph on the Autoroute. Depends on your outfit I guess.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,372
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    edited April 2017 #12

    My main concern ( when it was legal) was the speed at which my fuel gauge went down. I am happy to now be restricted to 80 / 90 kph. Also as you say it depends on outfit, our current one is a much smoother tow just below 60 mph than it is at 60 mph. Plus the fuel saving benifit.