Scourie to Dunnet - How long to tow?
We're currently at Port a Bhaigh, Altandhu, with a stunning view, and will welcome advice on the next stage of our trip, please. It's our first caravan expedition, and so far it's wonderful!
We're hoping to get to Dunnet Head, by Thurso. The planned next stop meanwhile, is at Scourie.
It's a bit over 100 miles between there & Dunnet, but it's on plenty of winding one-track roads. Other than Durness, about 20-something miles from Scourie, there's nowhere showing itself as a good place to stop on the way.
So any experienced advice on how long that whole West to East trip takes, and/or on somewhere with EHU to pause on the way, would be very welcome, please.
Wifi is limited round here, so I'll try to look in within the next 24 hours, but won't be online much between.