Easy peasy approaches to caravan site
Hello Everyone.
we have picked up our caravan and done our first few miles towing.
we had booked into a site for next weekend but when we did a recce today we realised the towing route was too trick for us so we have cancelled. Is there a book of easy peasy approaches to caravan sites or a quick way of checking?
Hi Jenny,
We are relatively new to caravanning, may I suggest, finding a site you like, find it on google maps then go to google earth and "drive" into the site.
Its helped us in the past
Ya beat me to it Husks!
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Glad you take the sensible option of not going where you feel you can't. Rather then try to find routes that match your expertise I would suggest a caravan towing course, such as this club runs, to improve your expertise to make all sites accessible to you.
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Why do you think your caravan wont go along the roads approaching the site when everyone else on site has fitted? I think if you are not confident towing you should definitely book a towing course before going anywhere, a nervous tugger could cause accidents and be a danger to both themselves and other road users.
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Go to google maps and drag the yellow pegman to the spot you want to look at. You can look at junctions, gate entrances, what the road really is like for widths. I use it all the time. Not sure if this is what people refer to as google earth.
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Hi there Jenny and welcome to the lovely world of caravanning!
I am unsure if you are a Member of The Caravan and Motorhome Club.
If you are, all of the directions in the UK Sites Directory have been tried and tested for touring, so you won't be directed down any unsuitable roads.
Alternatively, you could use our route planner on the website. Again, the route given will be user-friendly for tourers.
(To find the route planner, please hover over UK Holidays and then click on UK Route Planner).
I hope that helps and that you have many happy days touring. Please feel free to ask any other questions and our real experts (the Members) will be happy to help.
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Have you changed the route planner, Nicky, as it didn't used to show routes that were necessarily suitable for Cvans/MHs? In fact, it often showed different routes from those advised in the site direction instructions.
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The Calor Gas lorries are particularly large!
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And are driven by professional drivers who do it every day. The OP is a novice trying to learn.
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"More than likely to..." isn't 100% positive, MM, but I guess we were both trying to boost the OP's confidence in our own peculiar ways.
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I do not think you will find the route planner is caravan friendly,it seems to be for solo vehicles, as we have used it and it does not always work
As a test try Burford cc site to Bourton on the water cc site it takes you on roads that are "NOT suitable for a caravan
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Nicky, are you a caravanner? Have you tested and tried the Caravan Club Route Planner? If not then try it - with your own caravan preferably. It takes no account as to whether you are driving a Smart Car or a largest size fifth wheeler. I expect better service from a proverbial chocolate teapot than from the planner. Might as well use the AA Route Planner.
No idea where Jenny is as if we knew where she was wishing to head for I am sure somebody could give useful guidance.
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No idea where Jenny is as if we knew where dshe was wishing to head for I am sure somebody could give useful guidance.
Yes Avon is another name that no longer exists, having been absorbed back in Gloucestershire, Somerset and Bristol.
I would second what ET says. It would be very unwise to trust any route planning tool blindly. They are very good at throwing up options. However, the routes they suggest should be throughly examined before committing to any.
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And the drivers of the large lorries have been on courses to learn how to drive them. So, back to the Club's manoeuvering course!
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Oh c`mon!! give Jenny a break!
How many of the thousands of members have actualy done the manoeuvering course??
And how many of the thousands who have not done the course can honestly put their hands up and say
"I`ve never made a mistake and never got into a awkward situation"
Towing a caravan is daunting, I have held a Class 1 HGV for over 30 years, driving allsorts.
But when we picked up our first caravan I was bricking it!
mainly because it was my tow car and my caravan!.
Take your time Jenny, if in doubt, get out and look, and be observant of your surroundings. It just about getting your confidence, it will come. Good luck and enjoy.
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is it just me who thinks this is a bit scary if your not confident to pull your caravan to a site why buy a caravan ? and how many others are on the road lacking the same confidence accidents waiting to happen I think sorry if this is negative but I just don't get it
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I think it is just you. I remember when we first got a caravan, I basically didn't sleep the night before. I think that far more accidents are caused by over confidence than under confidence.
Jenny, it would be interesting if you told people which site you were planing to visit and your rough starting point. The reactions might range from piece of cake don't worry to no way I would touch that route. Might help to calibrate your reaction.
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As David says. I know that when I first started towing a caravan I had no worries. But I was 28 and had been driving for 11 years and had a trailer tent for 12 months and caravans were narrower then. I do remember looking in the rear view mirror and wondering why that vehicle behind the car was travelling so close
There are some roads that I would avoid. Let us know the area you are after, which site you were considering also and help is available
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I get your point but why not book on a course first. imagine if you cant handle your outfit and you have to do a reverse or a tricky manoeuvre because of a road accident (and yes it has happened to me ) what happens then ? we all have to learn but learn before you go on the road
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Some take to towing like a 'duck to water' others need a little time. Just choose some sites not too far from home, take it steady remembering you now have a long outfit so be aware when turning corners and try not to stress yourself out. Before long you will have a big smile on your face as you venture further afield
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I wish I, actually we, I had booked on a course. But they are both expensive and not always available. Your argument about being able to reverse is true and I agree but there are many on here will tell you, you don't to be able to because of motor movers.
Also practising with traffic is good but is never going to be the same as real world conditions. Experience and confidence go hand in hand. Without confidence you won't become confident and without confidence you won't gain experience.