Welcome to the Caravan and Motorhome Club



  • Walkerdl
    Walkerdl Forum Participant Posts: 14
    First Comment
    edited February 2017 #32

    We leave on the 22/02/17,with no book,and we will manage until April ,many thanks.

    PATMAU Forum Participant Posts: 250
    edited February 2017 #33

    Name Change, no bother.  If it meets the needs of today fine.  New logo, same.   No objection from me.


    But all I want is a CL search facility that works.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,341
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    edited February 2017 #34

    Said something very similar several hours ago. Completely agree. Rochelle replied that should be ready next week subject to testing 😐.

    What I don't understand is two threads running attracting on the same subject just different titles similar comments, both started by Rochelle. Others have been opened and commented on by a few before being closed/locked by Rochelle saying see here for thread. Haven't been interested to see which of the two or if same everytime.

    Be nice to have a change of topic on latest activity pages but it's great to see plenty of responses from old and new names, so must be a positive effect 😉

  • TonyCSolihull
    TonyCSolihull Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited February 2017 #35

    When spending a lot of time and money on a re-branding is it not best to get everything aligned first? The lack of understanding of the digital marketplace still shines through.

    The email addresses are now given as "@CAMC.COM". If you use this address to access this website it simply routes to the old caravanclub.co.uk site.

    Site has the new signage and branding but (C) notice at bottom is still caravan club.

    If you inadvertently use CAMC.co.uk, as many will given the existing site is .co.uk, you get a company called Campbell Consultants! Great choice by the club!!!


  • ArdoVeering
    ArdoVeering Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited February 2017 #36

    While I am fully behind the need for the Club to modernise and encourage new and younger members to join, I cannot condone the costs involved in what I deem to be an unnecessary re-branding exercise. All stationery, signage around sites, publications, the website, livery, etc will have to be replaced or updated at a considerable cost to the Clubs coffers.  I see this as a waste of time since the previous name of "The Caravan Club" by definition, already covers trailer caravans and motor caravans, which are the correct terms for the two forms of wheeled accommodation in question. Therefore, surely no change in name is necessary.

  • WhiteVanMan60
    WhiteVanMan60 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2017 #38

     As far as I'm aware, provided a another pitched within the bounds of the pitch then hey ho, that's within the rules of the club. Motorhomers remember the club provides refilling and emptying points which is 'free'. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2017 #39

    There is no rule to say that you must reverse onto pitches.

  • Sapper820
    Sapper820 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2017 #40

    You've made a mess of the Club magazine, don't make a mess of The Club.

  • landymick
    landymick Forum Participant Posts: 29
    edited February 2017 #41

    I am glad to see that the club reverted back to the site pictures on the club cards instead of the ones we have had for the last couple of years , but as for the logo change on the car stickers as far as I am concerned they are horrible and will not be adourning the screen of my landy the cc ones stood out better I do not think these do they look like an advert for a repair place or for a product

  • autowfix
    autowfix Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2017 #42

    Hi All,

    Seems the branding change has hit a few nerves! understand that change is not always good but in this case I think the change had to be made! They are a Club but also a business that has to think ahead for the future, need to secure the future business and then reinvest for future sites, maintenance, better services for members!

    I think over time we will all be fine with the new branding, and things can only get better as they say! 

  • Justus2
    Justus2 Forum Participant Posts: 897
    edited February 2017 #43

    Well the welcome letter arrived, and the new stickers.

    Straight in the bin I'm afraid.

    I don't advertise any companies on my windscreen, I don't get any benefit for doing so.  undecided

  • Shukokaiuk
    Shukokaiuk Forum Participant Posts: 20
    edited February 2017 #44

    Thank you for this change? Not

    Who is paying for the re branding?

    How much will it cost the Club? / each member?

    Motorhomes are already integrated within the Club.

    If we are to change why haven't we not included Trailer tents? etc.etc.

    I am all in favor of progression, but hang on why not put these costs  to reducing the Clubs main site fees, i'ts OK keeping them at last years prices, but pensioners on a fixed budget can't afford to use the Clubs sites as often as they would like.

    I am sure I am not the only member with these views.

  • Lansdorf
    Lansdorf Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited February 2017 #45

    Does anyone know when we will be told the total cost of this rebranding? Normally re branding is carried out when something is failing, eg hospital trusts, banks etc, but as far as I'm aware the Caravan Club was thriving. Caravan Club was just a name and changing it does not make one bit of difference to to the person using it....it is just a facility that we enjoy regardless of what we are touring in. I really do worry about the direction the "club" is heading in these days....especially after that television fiasco!

    Hey Ho, happy camping folks.


  • BGarrett
    BGarrett Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2017 #46

    As above I am not in favour of the rebranding. Ok change the name to include motor homes but we DO NOT need a new logo in truly horrible colours. What an easy facetious reply " things can only get better" Rubbish. We have been members for many years and we are really upset at these changes. 


  • oldhand2
    oldhand2 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2017 #47

    No mention is made of those, like my daughter and family who own a trailer tent and are active members, are they going to feel third class now?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2017 #48

    I hope not as I enjoy seeing trailer tents on site as it reminds me of how I started.

  • dave the rave
    dave the rave Forum Participant Posts: 806
    edited February 2017 #49

    You have beaten me to it! I was going to suggest that we call OUR club the camping,motorhome,and caravan club.......but then I realised that people who use the new "pod" type of accomodation would then feel left out!!!!If I had been consulted(40 years a CLUB member)I would have suggested that the original name was still relevant and that an awful amount of OUR money could be better spent elsewhere .I have little respect for the business that the caravan club has become!!!

  • Bonnymike
    Bonnymike Club Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2017 #50

    New stickers arrived  Won't display a lie on my vehicle  Date should be 2017 not 1907  Different Club now!!

  • dossett
    dossett Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited February 2017 #51

    U.K. Motor homes should always reverse on to the pitch so that their door  is not facing the outfit on the adjoining pitch. Continental Motorhomes should drive straight on to the pitch so that their doors are not facing the outfit next to them .  

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited February 2017 #52

    I'm inclined to invite dosset to return to his box. wink The club has clearly stated that vans/MHs may park either way. You do, however, have a solitary ally in IanH.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,894
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    edited February 2017 #53

    I park according to the best view I can get.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,894
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    edited February 2017 #54

    Just had a weird thought.  If one of those moror caravans breaks down and it is towed onto site - is it then a trailer caravan?

    If I unhitch my trailer caravan and propel it with the internal battery - is it then a motor caravan (and an eco friendly electric one at that)?

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited February 2017 #55

    I think you have got too much time on your hands winkcool

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,894
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    edited February 2017 #56

    Not at all.  Just "exploring" as we are now required to do.

  • geoffeales
    geoffeales Forum Participant Posts: 322
    edited February 2017 #57

    I read the first couple of pages and skipped to the end of this thread, come on folks, let's move on now. How many CC (oops I mean CAMC) members does it take to change a light bulb - "CHANGE? what was wrong with old one?"

  • Justus2
    Justus2 Forum Participant Posts: 897
    edited February 2017 #58

    Not at all, the club have said, many times, that on most sites, with caravans or motorhomes, UK built or continental, you can go in front first or rear first. If the entrance doors face each other that is of no concequence. What matters is that the relevant corner of the unit, to the rear of the pitch, is near the peg putting the unit in the centre of the pitch.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,525
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    edited February 2017 #59

    Absolutely not, Dossett, you seem to have misunderstood.

    See the post by the warden (JollyKernow) in the linked thread.


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2017 #60

    On most sites they can please themselves. 

  • IanBHawkes
    IanBHawkes Forum Participant Posts: 212
    edited February 2017 #61

    Sadly my post was on the other link that was removed, but the gist of it said that we as members were not consulted on the name change and change of logo. I also commented that all the site staff uniforms will need changing and all the unused uniform in the stockrooms will have to be sent for recycle. What a waste of money! That is money that could have been spent on upgrading sites or even getting this forum sorted out.

    I have received my stickers yesterday and changed the sticker on the car, but it doesn't look as good as the old one. And, my new directory arrived this morning. Whoopee!