The same Club, just better...
I am totally disgusted with the club and the apparent contempt it has shown for its membership, After 33 years in the club, perhaps now is the time to leave. What a waste of members hard earned cash, which actually pays for all of this. Far better to have invested in improving the site network. It seems a great club has just been wrecked by fools. As for the idiotic logo, it seems we are now sponsored by Walls Ice Cream ??
As for consulting with the members - a joke ! All done behind closed doors with token consultation. From the out pouring of anger I have seen from members, I think a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the current management is called for. The club has not just shot itself in the foot, but shot itself in both feet and probably the head as well - a PR disaster it seems. I have not spoken with a single member who has anything positive to say about this debacle. The cost of changing all the club signage, documentation, warden uniforms etc etc is staggering, and for why ? I think those responsible should collect their P.45's at their earliest convenience. I wonder how many new members the Caravan and Camping Club will pick up after this fiasco. A very angry and unhappy member !
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The 'professional' approach may result in a more successful outcome for Rob. While airing his grievance on this forum will undoubtedly gain support from members who are siding with the anti rebrand camp, this won't help his individual cause.
He won't receive the compensation from the contributors on this forum will he?
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If some members are so disgusted by this decision instead of threatening to leave then actually do it instead of moaning incessantly. Have the courage of your convictions. Why do you want to be a member of a club that allegedly treats you in this way.
Put up or shut up !
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No, he won't, but at least he has told us what an appalling way the cl owners have been treated. We have been told that this was after consultation with members, but even the cl owners were not consulted. Would the club like to make a statement over this.
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Interestingly, reading the small print at the bottom of the welcome letter (which I have now shredded) it said that The Caravan and motorhome club was a trading name of the Caravan Club,.
so we could all just keep using its real name!
looking at the "about us" on this site.
"The Caravan Club Limited, trading as the Caravan and Motorhome Club, is the owner and operator of (our website) and any applications and/or digital channels provided by us for the purpose of accessing our website, digital magazine or other services (our apps and digitalchannels) (together our digital services). We are a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company number 646027. Our registered company address is: The Caravan Club, East Grinstead House, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 1UA. Our VAT number is 239719331."
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... and leave no-one to comment adversely on anything ?
im not sure so many have threatened to leave as there are stating their dissatisfaction.
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I don't think you need worry about using the leaflets up as members would understand why the old logo is being used. I imagine that the leaflets are mainly used to promote your holiday lets? If that is the case I am sure most customers might not give a second thought to whether the old or new logo is used?
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No one ever advertised the fact that we would know that we could or indeed would. Certainly we never received a video to explain why we were the Caravan Club. I think we already knew. It was in our blood. We just caravanned, or Motorhomed, or trailer tented (camped) as the case may be ... and I suspect the brave new explorers will carry on in the same veign regardless of the recent waste of money.
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Well, it ispantomime season still, isn't it?
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If you're to have a referendum then we South of the border want one too.
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Well the stickers arrived as expected, I have applied them to the van and the car. Must admit if was running a throw your keys into a piss pot party I'd go for this logo
Hey ho, guess its one of those good ideas at the time ideas. Things wont have changed that much, Club wise.
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Given the apparent endeavour's of CAMC /CMC or whatever it is these days to decimate the CL network either by design or incompetence, many of those CL customers may already be considering the other club so defection of CL owners could take their customer base with them.
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There have been quite a few over the whole thread that are threatening to leave, I'm not saying the ones that are engaging in positive debate should leave just the posters making empty threats to end membership
this forum has been in demise over the last few months imho, hopefully this debate may bring more contributors, create discussions that will benefit all.
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I'm going to play "deviles advocate" here , how does the CL network benefit the Club,when it revives no money from them (CL) ,when you the member stay at one no money goes back to the club ,and the club pays and sends out all the signage and advertising??
i am not against the CL network and have and will keep using them ,I'm just asking a question
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Put simply Husky I see them as an important part of the package. I no longer tend to use CLs but did more so with a young family. As we now tour and move on regularly I find it simpler to use club sites and cost is not an issue. For many younger families joining the use of CLs could be an important cost factor. Also many join one of the clubs with a view to using CLs but may well use club sites also and particularly during off peak
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Total waste of money. Was it changed because the board members all have motorhome and the felt that they were not "recognised" as a group. The money wasted on this rebrand could have been better used in doing things that members really want/need like website tweaks/updates and site improvements etc. Also which kindergarten won the competition to design the new logo. I can't believe that a professional company would own up to designing something as crass as this.
So come on board members and step up to the mark, leave your vanities behind and act in the best interest of the members, like you are supposed to do.
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Could it be that most members would not be members (income to club) if it were not for the CL, I have heard from many CL owners that there is a move to lobby Natural England to 'look at' the exemption status..with requirements to licences etc...
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Feeling for you Rob is not good enough these people with ideas of grandeur didn't think about all the implications their inane ideas have caused. If this had been put out to the Members (who actually pay the salaries of these chumps) then sense would have prevailed, as it is the cost will be enormous just to erase the affair which, thinking about it, might be a cost saving exercise in the long run.
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I very much doubt that motorhomers were put off joining CC because of the name or that existing members didn't renew because there wasn't a name change. One can only assume that it has been done to enlarge the CC membership and income. In which case one hopes that plans and a budget are in place to enlarge the number available sites/pitches.
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I think there is a significant number of members who mainly use CL sites, I have seen a figure of about 20% but don't quote me. I imagine that without them total membership would be reduced which would have a knock on effect on how the Club as a whole was able to operate. So whilst there is little or no financial benefit for the Club directly from CL's it is the greater benefit of the extra members that are drawn in by having a CL network.
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Think you missed the point. It is the fact that you did not consult or even inform your site owners before you told the public. Matter of interest, were the CC staff at club owned sites or even those at EG informed before the announcement or were they to treated with such disdain.