Returning to the last topic opened...
I open CT and all Discussions come up (albeit only 5 at a time). I then scroll down, clicking on 'Read More' and passing over many topics which are not of interest. When I spot a topic that looks worth reading I click on 'Read discussion' and read all the posts in that particular topic. However, when I've read to the last post in that particular topic I click on my 'Back' button and I'm taken right back to the first topic (!!) which is the same one where I started scrolling/browsing in the first place, perhaps some minutes before. So I then have to scroll down all the way through again (5 at a time!) through topics that I'd previously passed over until I get to previously unseen posts. Other website message boards that I use take you back to the last topic you opened so that you don't have to keep going over old ground. It's a real faff.
Whoops! It was Deleted User by me, not Removed by a Moderator.
I Deleted User it from 'How to use.......' and reposted it in 'General Chat' since the 'How to use....' discussion seemed to be rather dormant, except for Cyberyacht's request for 'Factual information' in his 'Snagging List' topic.