Is it me ! Or because there's no stars
I've just triplicated one but you've quadrupled 😀
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Didn't do it on purpose!
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Didn't do it on purpose!
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Didn't do it on purpose!
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Didn't do it on purpose!
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Didn't do it on purpose!
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TDA, tip-don't keep hitting the reply tab. . . .When it eventually does reply they're all recorded & posted
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I think things have picked up now that folk are back from their Christmas/New Year breaks and also getting used to the new forum and its quirks.
I'm glad the stars have gone - I could see how they might encourage folk to post in the early days of CT but they'd long outlived their original purpose.
As for the "+1's", I used them occasinally myself and actually thought it was sometimes a better way of expressing agreement with someone else's post than the often very long winded multi paragraph posts that basically said "I agree" without adding anythng new to a discussion.
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The one good thing about the 'stars' was that it was an indicator of the experience/longevity of the poster. A "member since" or "no of posts" could give some indication of the reliance one might wish to place upon a post.
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As this is a caravanning forum the experience required to assist other members in their hobby is best measured in caravanning years.
How many posts somebody has made on a cyber forum is totally irrelevant to a caravanning enquiry. Only of use if somebody wants info on forum use.
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I do think 'caravanner/motorhomer since...' under our profile picture would be a useful addition, surely a few who have had a break could amend this themselves to skip over the break (if it is a shortish one anyway).
(oh and xmas did not make that much difference to me but the end of the school break certainly has
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Mine jumps to the top as well using my Ipad. I agree it is frustrating because you have to scroll down the page to find where you were.
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Mine jumps to the top as well using my Ipad. I agree it is frustrating because you have to scroll down the page to find where you were.
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Well at least I got to see what a gold star looked like before they took it away!
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If you like a post using a PC it goes back to exactly where you started from so it seems that it is more of an iPad problem. And you don't get multiple posts with a PC. Posting photographs appears easier on a PC. Perhaps you Apple fans should think about going back to a proper computer
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I'm using my HP laptop on windows 10 and Firefox and it doesn't.
Apart from my phone, which is small and not overly pleasant to use CT on, my equipment - KIndle Fire or this laptop does not behave in a logical fashion or at all
I do watch but rarely post because of the 'improved' 'updated' site.
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Have you tried using Chrome? I have resisted using Firefox after I had a bad experience with some of the add ons they use. I have used Chrome for this forum for some years now and it seems to work very well. I do have an Apple iPad mini, despite my tongue in cheek comment previously but I only use it when its not convenient to use my PC or laptop which is not that often. The iPad is getting on a bit now and I was wondering about buying the larger version but having seen what happens here I think I will save my money.
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Always found my laptop and Firefox fine, certainly was on previous CT too. Sadly, I am not impressed with this latest CT, can't use at all on my Kindle Fire, again fine on old CT. Can operate from my phone but not not ideal. I just tend to pop in and read now. Only pointing out that it isn't user friendly since the change.
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Agree about Firefox. It's my preferred browser but I installed chrome so that I could use the site search pages properly. Shouldn't have to really but hopefully they'll sort out Firefox problems as it has been flagged up.
No fun at all on iPhone using safari.
I've not tried posting with my Fire but the site doesn't work very well with the standard silk browser I'll have a go with the dolphin browser and if it works I'll let you know
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Glad you've tried it, I have no idea how to go about that.
I have used my Kindle Fire without issue until the recent 'upgrade', same with FireFox. I'm nowhere near incompetent on using the web and haven't actually had any difficulty with any sites until now. Surely the idea is to have something that works across the board? I have an uncle in his eighties who's never used computers in his working life and loving his tablet, things should be inclusive not for the few who happen to be savvy enough or lucky (by chance it appears) to have the right equipment