CL search doesn't work

obbernockle Forum Participant Posts: 616
edited December 2016 in Certificated Locations #1

The  CL search facility on the new web site is useless. I have tried on and off for a few days now, and I really have had enough. Another thread here advised to the "search by map" then click "CL's" but I can't get this to work either. This new web site really is an abortion.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited December 2016 #2

    Which system are you using?  I've been able to do a search using Chrome on my laptop.

  • DianneT
    DianneT Forum Participant Posts: 521
    edited December 2016 #3

    How are you doing it?

    I have been on and off there in the last few days just tried and no problems on Windows 10 and iPad iOS 10 

    I go onto Main Page, UK Holidays, CL's  and then put in Town, County or Post Code then put in the facilities I want and it comes up with suitable sites.



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited December 2016 #4

    It's just worked for me when I put in a CL's name, as well as the way that Dianne's done it.

  • AlanGL7
    AlanGL7 Forum Participant Posts: 113
    edited December 2016 #5

    I don't think the filters are working correctly. Eg for Gloucestershire if you select Adults Only and EHU you get 39 CLs including my CLs which are not adult only. If you put in EHU on its own you get 37 CLs. Looks like the filters are using AND/OR rather than just AND. Another problem is that many of the photos have gone AWOL and I've also lost all my reviews for my Greenacres Farm CL.


    Now with Online Booking

  • JohnM20
    JohnM20 Club Member Posts: 1,421
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    edited December 2016 #6

    I've just been looking for a specific CL close to Buxton so I clicked on counties and selected Derbyshire. On the list of towns that came up all the Derbyshire towns were in bold. Fair enough. I clicked on Buxton but found the CL wasn't on the list. I then went back to the towns drop down box only to find that none of the Derbyshire towns were now in bold so had to go through the whole list of UK towns to find another Derbyshire town that the CL might come under. If Derbyshire is still shown as the county why cannot all Derbyshire towns be shown in bold all the time. Far, far better still would be that Derbyshire towns, or any other selected county, were filtered out to give a far shorter list. If the system can filter the towns to show them in bold surely they can filter them to isolate them to a shorter list. To me that seems so simple to do.

    Also, and not specifically about the new abortion of a website, why can CLs not be shown under towns that they are near rather than by postcodes. The CL that I was looking for is very near Buxton but has a Stoke on Trent postcode, I eventually found,  and so comes under Staffordshire and not Derbyshire.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited December 2016 #7

     The map search has just worked for me. Having selected a county and then a town I've been able to go back to county, select firstly all towns and then the drop down button will list all the towns again in your selected county. Hope this helps John.

    BTW which site were you looking for. There's a ( relatively ) huge distance between Stoke and Buxton

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited December 2016 #8

    I then went back to the towns drop down box only to find that none of the Derbyshire towns were now in bold so had to go through the whole list of UK towns to find another Derbyshire town that the CL might come under.

    John, I found that the old system sometimes did this. If you go back to the county drop down, accept the next one up (or down) from, say Derbyshire, and then immediately change it back to Derbyshire it will (hopefully) rectify the problem. 

    As mentioned on numerous occasions, not just by me, the system should work properly and not need us to find a way around it. It is already putting people off using it and if you stop using the booking system then CL owners are going to suffer. Shouldn't think this was the Club's intentions but....

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited December 2016 #9

    Such a shame for all the CL owners. Wonder if CC's going to compensate them for loss of visitors, hence income!!foot-in-mouth

  • Kiwidave
    Kiwidave Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited December 2016 #10

    The map is still there folks and to expand on the advice above :-

    From the Home Page under Book a Club Site.  At the bottom of the box in on ..........Search by Map.    

    Next page.......... Map Search      -     Default shows Club Sites so click on CLs  and then underneath    'Search'          

    It takes a while to load   (in my neck of the woods anyway) but it is all there.

    Happy Days


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited December 2016 #11

    I have just tried a search on the CL web site for one in Warwickshire using the search criteria for H/S, EHU, Open all year, Dogs allowed and Wifi available.

    The result indicates that there are 23 sites that fit these criteria. However only 9 sites come up, none of which have wifi, one is not open all year, and one has no EHU!!!

    Come on HO, what the heck is going on? A similar search before the "UPGRADE" would certainly have given a proper list. This is not good enough IMO. 

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,762
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    edited December 2016 #12

    Search criteria don't appear to work at all; in another thread "If it is not broke" I posted to say that I'd looked for an AO site, suitable for MHs, shower and WC in Lancs.  It returned 49!  Last time (pre new website)  a similar search returned about 6, from memory. AlanGL7, Greenacres CL, posted in that thread to say he'd been told by EG that the filter issue would be fixed in 'early January'.

    The year wasn't specified though....

    Seriously, this is just not acceptable and should have been working correctly from day 1.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited December 2016 #13

    Very disappointing that the CL search is faulty,  I have also tried to search for CL'S for next year, used the filter to show dog friendly ones but they all came up! 

  • JoJo9
    JoJo9 Forum Participant Posts: 44
    edited December 2016 #14

    I'm having the same problems when looking for sites which are adult only and where dogs are allowed. I'd love to know how much The Caravan Club spent on this new website. At least I'm a member of The Camping and Caravan Club so I think I'll be looking for sites through them for next year.

  • bazwilson
    bazwilson Forum Participant Posts: 11
    edited December 2016 #15

    The new web site is a disaster!


    1) when searching for a cl they have removed any search criteria, so you can no longer see if a cl has a hook up, is dog friendly or has public transport nearby.


    2) They have almost hidden search by map!


    This new site is a real disaster.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited December 2016 #16

    I have just been searching for a CL, gone all around the houses, clicking this, clicking that, getting nowhere fast!

    This is a complete bloody shambles of a website, and this paying member is fast getting very very fed up. Just how the bloody hell can we search CLs quickly and efficiently with a website not fit for purpose and a two year out of date handbook?

    It really isn't good enough. The last bit of advice I got from the Club was "could you use another device?" This so called multi million pound market leading holiday provider should be hanging it's head in shame!


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,472
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    edited December 2016 #17

    I hope CL owners are taking every opportunity to publicise their sites elsewhere while this sorry state of affairs continues.

  • Watendlath
    Watendlath Forum Participant Posts: 232
    edited December 2016 #18

    They should also complain long and loud to Grimstead Towers to make them fully aware that the powers that be are costing them business as members give up with the lack of search facilities and either go C&CC or just return to those CLs they know and don't try new ones

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2016 #19

    I've just tried the search and it's working ok. It filtered out various facilities and it looks as though earlier problems have been resolved. (Windows 10, Chrome.)

  • Watendlath
    Watendlath Forum Participant Posts: 232
    edited December 2016 #20

    Still gives the entire list of UK towns when searched using Firefox  but works properly when using Microsoft Edge

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited December 2016 #21

    It might be ok on one system but why not all applications? Like you I use W 10 &Chrome, but even then the search facility doesn't work properly, as I found with a search for CLs in Warwickshire.yell

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2016 #22

    It all seems to be working for me now, it didn't previously. I've tried putting in various combinations and they all seem ok. It would be good to get some technical advice out to help users. Looks like the NY holiday will delay further responses.

  • AlanGL7
    AlanGL7 Forum Participant Posts: 113
    edited December 2016 #23

    It's still not working for me. Just selected Gloucestershire, adults only and EHU and both my Greenacres CLs showed up and we are NOT adult only.


  • ColDeb
    ColDeb Forum Participant Posts: 38
    edited December 2016 #24

    Well I have just put in a search for CL in Cambridgeshire with hook up, open all year and got pages of every CL in Cambridgeshire with no search criteria applied. So now it looks like I am going to have to trawl through checking everyone before even trying to book. Perhaps I will revert to looking through the book instead as the website seems to be going backwards.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited December 2016 #25

    Hopefully, when/if the new site directory arrives, it will not have as many errors as the last one or this "new" web site.

  • AlanGL7
    AlanGL7 Forum Participant Posts: 113
    edited December 2016 #26

    Until the errors in the search are corrected there is no point in entering more than 1 filter as it will return all the CLs that match at least 1 of the chosen filters.

    Looks like there are 33 CLs in Cambridgeshire of which 28 have EHUs and 19 are open all year. There are 32 that either have EHU OR are open all year (or both) with just 1 that doesn't have EHU and is not open all year.


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited January 2017 #27

    As AlanGL7 has identified, there is a discrepancy in the filter system on search. Instead of EITHER/OR it needs BOTH/AND statements.

  • Vanbirds68
    Vanbirds68 Forum Participant Posts: 149
    edited January 2017 #28

    Trying to look for CL's in Scotland via map search and only two sites come up! I'm using an iPad with ios10. It would be very helpful if CC could acknowledge the problems we are having and assure us of a fix - as others have said, CL owners should be very worried!