What are you all up to
Let me guess... Haughton Mill! Hope you have a good trip and the weather picks up.
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Found a N/T property we didn't know existed, Dyffryn, and very glad that we did, a most pleasant surprise. Then went to Barry Island to see Nessa's Slots!!
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You re so right Nellie - Houghton Mill.
We needed to be fairly local this time as the school our grandsons go to has closed their after school club and son and DIL are desperately trying sort things out as for the time being they have no back up while we are away which means we need to get back to pick them up from school on one day. No worries though as we love it there. Just hope the weather picks up a bit as it has been wet and miserable here today. I have put in plenty of reading material and it will be nice to catch up with some of it without feeling guilty.
Sounds like you had a good day robsail. Hope you enjoyed the coffee and cake.
We had our flu jabs a couple of weeks ago. Into the GP surgery and out again in under 10 minutes. I hope we can avoid the epidemic that they have had in Australia.
Hope everyone copes with their post holiday washing and ironing.
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Yes good day was had and the fruit cake surpassed expectations!
Our flu jab sessions are not until later in the month, all three of us have to get there! Better to be safe than sorry!
Been to Houghton Mill years ago, I seem to remember the car alarm being set off in the middle of the night a couple of times on the same night, just after a car had gone round the site. next day a huge moth appeared from the ventilation system! This had been disturbed by the cars headlights during the night setting off the alarm!
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Yes, we do, but decided not to take it with us this time as we had enough clothes to last the trip.....just! I think we had 2 or 3 changes left when we returned.
Getting things dry would have been difficult in the weather we had, so probably just as well we did not bother.
Crisis over now as OH has got all the underwear and T shirts washed.
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The weather was miserable all day, so we didn't bother going out anywhere except to fill up diesel for the Shogun ready for our trip to Cirencester on Monday.
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We've got up to a rather grey and overcast start to the day today. We've just had breakfast.
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Was the notice still there saying it is her day off when you went,we have had a "tour" of all the Gavin and Stacy areas with our friends we are now in Wales to visit,,they are Barry born and bred,
We are hoping to go to Dyfryn today as it is such a nice morning
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We're just taking the awning down now in readiness for tomorrows journey to Cirencester Park CMC site.
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Been working , yes I did say working, fighting to clear the Ivy, Bushes & weeds etc from 'tween my Workshop ( shed ) and fence 'cos they were getting up close & personal with the ladders that live there and had started worming their way under the roof. Ended up getting even more injections etc from brambles & other garden 'nasties' but half filled the Garden { Brown } Waste bin.
Now its back to piccy time -- keep me going 'til my pension rise in April I suppose
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Nice sunny day, walked along the tow path into town this morning.
Mowed lawns and tidied our little patch of garden in warm sunshine this afternoon
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Have a lovely time with your brother Oneputt
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My medical certificate expires on 12th. I've twice tried to contact my employers about returning to work and can't get any reply. Does this mean I've lost my job?
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Lovely sunny day in South Wales. Drove up to Castell Coch, the fairy tale castle designed by William Burges for the 3rd Marquis of Bute. After an hour or so walk in the forest, viewing the sculptures, and our picnic lunch, we visited the Castle. A really spectacular place with some fantastic interior decoration. It just goes to show what real wealth can accomplish from a ruin.
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OH wonders if you got to see Bryn's & Stacey's Houses and where Dave kept his coaches? Do they actually exist in Barry Island.
Glad that you had a good trip round Dyffryn, JVB, it's gardens alone are worth the trip there.
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Thanks, KjellNN. The good news is that I received a phone call from them later that evening to say that they had sent me a text message earlier. However, no message was received by me so either my phone was faulty or they forgot to press the send button.
Anyhow, I got my duty rota over the phone. So I'll be working Friday 17:30 to 22:30, Saturday 17:30 to 22:30 and Sunday 15:00 to 21:00 so total 16 hours this week.
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Lovely bright morning New member got plenty of exercise as squirrels were out in force in the house grounds ,off to meet friends again today ,going for a meal in pub that has been built near Barry docks on the area that used to be Woodhams treasure trove of steam engines,
We have done all the "sets"in Barry including the houses and the mobile home park where the coach was kept and Ness set up home
Our friends met when they were both working in the fun fair on Barry Island,after school ,he is now 78
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Arternoon All, Hoping you are all doing those productive things that arrive on a Monday morning
Done some shopping new toaster & some inks for the Epson Printer -- got home to find the doorway blocked by the latest delivery of bird food
so had to put the shopping back in the 'van then attack the house from the rear door & dump it all in the Workshop { shed } before I could get the shopping in !!
Would you believe it -- not a single thank you tweet -- think they might, just might, get a 5 + 2 Diet coming their way