Check your Tyres use by date

Just like to remind you to check your caravan tyres.
A couple of seasons ago I had a blow out on the motorway the flailing tyre ripped the floor out under the wardrobe and damaged the shower tray,put the spare on and off we go again.
50miles further and the other tyre blows, so breakdown truck needed as I have no spare now and its early evening. Breakdown truck comes and damages the legs on van pulling it on to the back of the truck, this was due to truck not big enough to carry caravan. I did'nt protest its late, dark and the children need sorting so I am not waiting for a larger truck. By the way this was before I joined Mayday in fact it was the reason I then joined Mayday.
I was meaning to replace the tyres as they were 7 years old and past their use by date, but just one of those jobs I never got round to.
Cost of two new tyres about £100
Cost of damage to caravan and 2 new steel wheels approx £1500
I suppose I was quite lucky as it did not cause an accident on the motorway, blow out at 50mph not good.
I think the advice is to change tyres about 5 years and use van tyres not car tyres.
So if yours are past their use by date, give changing them some thought.