Will this sort the 'stretch'?

chasncath Forum Participant Posts: 1,666
1000 Comments 250 Likes
edited May 2012 in Your stories #1

The 'Your Stories' page script sets the size of photos to 600x360. It's not a standard aspect ratio and so Brue's photo of her favourite CL gets stretched. Poor old Dougal the dog gets the same treatment.

 I'm sure that there's a fix in the pipeline for photo sizing; meanwhile, this grey and dreich afternoon I would like to try out a temporary fix.

 Using 'paint' in Windows 7,  I created blank pictures sized at 1200x720 pixels. I then used the 'paste from'  feature to insert photos. I centred the photos and adjusted the size to fit vertically, leaving equal-width bands at either side. The photos are a random selection of nice places plus a test card. I had previously resized the original photos using 'Easythumbs'

 Has it worked?


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2012 #2

    When I look at Dougals pic and my pic on my laptop they look ok. My pic looks as it should do, yours looks different but ok. Hope this comment is useful?