Demountable Campers

Quenton Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited March 2012 in Your stories #1

Hi all.

I was wondering if we are the only owners of a demountable camper in the Caravan Club?  :-)

We think they are the bee's knees and tick all of our boxes, no towing, transport for site seeing, and it carries all the mod cons including a fixed double bed. But we have yet to meet anyone else who has one. So basically we have had to be self sufficient as regards discovering the best way to mount it on the truck, auxilliary suspension etc, etc. There is also scant mention of this mode of camping on the club site. Booking forms ask if you have a caravan, motor home or RV, no mention of our wonderful demountable at all. 

So if any of you out there has one of these we would love to here from you.


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  • smitch05
    smitch05 Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited May 2012 #2

    I have no idea what this is...  do you have a link to a website?

  • Paulcurlytops
    Paulcurlytops Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited June 2012 #3

    Hi there,

    I've just seen your post about demountables. Guess what we've got one too! Ours is a Suntrekker made in the 70's but restored  and reborn and now hitching a ride on a nice Mitsubishi L200. We are a very select bunch eh! There are thousands of demountables
    in the States and Canada but not many over here it seems so I'm in the process of starting a demountable camper website just out of interest to see how many of us demountable owners are around in the UK. Let me know if you see this post and we can have a natter.
    We do see them very occasionally on Britains' roads and needless to say enthusiastic waves are always in abundance. We are in North Devon in case you're wondering. how about you? hope to hear back from you. all the best fellow snails

  • Paulcurlytops
    Paulcurlytops Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited June 2012 #4

    Hi there, I wrote a couple of weeks back. I've got the website up and running now. Its free to join and is not for any commercial gain. Just a place for the snails to gather. hope you take a look. The address is

    Theres a forum and a few other links at the moment so it's early days but feel free to join. Big trees from little acorns grow etc. Hope to hear from you. PS we are in North Devon

  • weekend warriors
    weekend warriors Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited August 2012 #5


    We purchased one back in April. Having a great time - loving the freedom. Would like to join the team and swop stories/ info. Will follow up Paulcurlytops address.

    Hope to meet up.

    Bobby and Monica

  • fromonthehill
    fromonthehill Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited June 2015 #6

    Hi, We have a Northstar Demountable and are members of the club. We have had it since 2008, on a Hi -Lux double cab. We wanted a camper with 4x4 capabilities. The big bonus was the truck can have another life when not carrying the camper (AKA Bryan). The
    combined total cost was less than a good van conversion which was our alternative. It has been to all corners of the UK and most of the Scottish Islands. It raises an interest on every trip. Most wardens tell us they see about one per season.

     It beats having to put a caravan bed up each night or sleeping on the ground  and it provides your own grandstand view from the top of the ladder!

  • Jrob63
    Jrob63 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited July 2016 #7

    Hi, we've just bought a demountable camper. All we know is that the camper is a Ranger sitting on top of a Nissan Navara. We obviously have a great deal to learn but are looking forward to our first trip v soon!

    we have "up sized" from a tent and are thrilled to have our own loo. No more trips across muddy fields at 3 in the morning.

    it would be great to contact others with this sort of outfit. 

    Jane & Simon

    North Yorkshire

  • Laugesen
    Laugesen Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited October 2018 #8

    Hello all "Demountable Camper" owners...….

    What's not to love about these Campers?

    We have had ours for two years now and toured eight different countries. Only in France, Germany and Sweden have we seen other Demountable Campers.....

    So how about we try and meet up somewhere in the UK?

    My wife and live in the Peak District and we would be up for meeting with like minded camper owners. I'm sure we could swop some helpful tips and steal a few ideas on how to improve our unique campers :-)

    Keep smiling Paul and Debbie...….

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,894
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited October 2018 #9

    Possibly not many in The Caravan Club but I've seen lots on Camping and Caravan Club sites. Or is it just the same two moving about  a lot?

  • ScreenName056C1779A4
    ScreenName056C1779A4 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited May 2021 #10

    I am about to take delivery of a Tischer demountable unit to mount onto my Hi Lux.

    Love the concept, cant comment on personal experience yet!!

    Very impressed by the equipment level.

    Having trouble getting insurance for it.  I understand that it is covered by the truck insurance until you demount it.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,478
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited May 2021 #11

    Hello (very long screen name) Can I suggest you come out of the Stories section, and post a brand new thread in the “Discussions” section? You are tagged onto a very old story post, that few will see and read. It’s a quite commonly made mistake, so no worries, but I am sure there will be a few interested in your post, and you might just get the help you need.

    You might like to change your introductory screen name to something more personal as well😁 👍

    Hope to see and talk with you in “Discussions”🤞

  • blancgp
    blancgp Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited July 2021 #12

    Hello to the Tischer owner.

    How is your experience with it? We are looking at these as they look the 3 professional and not from the 70's. Did you get it from the UK dealer or direct?



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