How not to avoid motorway tolls between Calais and South of Macon.

DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,954
1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
edited March 2012 in Your stories #1

Date is only approximate - some summer before 2000?

Take on diesel car, fill up with diesel at Calais.  Get on motorway and head south.  When you get approximately between Macon and Lyon, think about filling up again.  Pull over to a service station for fuel.  After a few moments realise why the fuel is a little more expensive that you first thought - you have put some petrol into you diesel car.

Ring Red Pennant.  Tow truck comes and tries to tow car and caravan off the pump TOGETHER by using a very substantial heavy chain.  I am a little too cautious when stearing my car, without air-assisted breaking and accidentally press to hard on the break pedal.  Lovely big heavy chain breaks, much to the amazement of the tow truck driver.  (LOL)  They leave caravan, wife and family standing on the forecourt of a service station and load your car (accompanied by you) onto truck and off the motorway to have the fuel tank cleaned out.  Job done - this time fill up with diesel.  Go back onto motorway, getting a new toll ticket.  Pick up caravan, wife and family and continue with journey.  Eventually, come to get off motorway.  USE NEW TOLL TICKET FROM MACON NOT OLD ONE FROM CALAIS..........  LOL.

Job done?????



  • Paladin
    Paladin Forum Participant Posts: 64
    edited March 2012 #2

    Well, that's a neat trick! Not sure breaking down on purpose would be seen quite so kindly by the rescue services though!!! :)

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,954
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2012 #3

    Well, that's a neat trick! Not sure breaking down on purpose would be seen quite so kindly by the rescue services though!!! :)

    It always brings a little smile to people when I tell this story.  Just for the record, and to assure those at East Grinstead who may be 'marking my card', it was a genuine accident and was not done on purpose..... an only one large chain was damaged in
    the making of this story!!  LOL


  • EGrumps
    EGrumps Forum Participant Posts: 21
    edited March 2012 #4
    If it was a mistake and you would of been happy to pay your toll charge then I hope you will give the money you saved to a charity, I am sure you could even find one that is France based. Go on do it, I'm sure it would even make your after dinner story
    telling go down even better.