Glossop Caravans – Customer Service at its Best!

Last week I took my 2003 Bailey Pageant Monarch into Glossop caravans for its annual service and to fit a replacement front window.
My experiences with Glossop over the last 2 years had not always been smooth but throughout 2011 they had worked hard to ensure my customer satisfaction was pretty good.
So taking the caravan in on this occasion was I thought going to be a trouble free affair. Unfortunately on collecting the caravan this was not the case as work that should have been undertaken under warranty had merely been shown as advisory work and nothing had been done to rectify the issues. I had been told nothing of these advisory items during a phone call from Glossop Caravans the day before telling me the caravan was ready for collection.
Not a major issue in itself but on discussing this with the workshop supervisor and asking why it had been left to me to identify that this was work covered by my 15 month warranty and that the internal systems had obviously not been sufficient to deal with this scenario I was left with a grudging apology and being informed a warranty claim would be submitted and that I would have to take the van back at a later date for the remedial work to be carried out!
On Saturday the day I collected my van the Service Department Manager was not in work so I left having paid over £500 for my service and replacement window feeling let down again by a company with whom I had purchased two vans from over a two year period having spent in access of £12k.
Now we all know that no matter how good a company, its staff and internal systems sometimes are mistakes happen – they are unavoidable. We all have bad days myself included. It’s how when these problems arise and how a company deals with them that is important and I must say that the action that was taken by Glossop Caravans on the following Monday morning was excellent.
Having spoken with the Service Department Manager – who listened intently to my comments and the events of Saturday morning – I was left feeling assured that action would be taken. Indeed within an hour of our conversation he had obviously spoken to members of staff on duty on the Saturday, reviewed the workshop report and I received a phone call from the Workshop Supervisor apologising unreservedly for his attitude and the failings in dealing with the issues arising from my caravans service. He went onto confirm the actions that had been initiated to resolve the problems – all to my full satisfaction and convenience.
Later that day I received an email from the Service Department Manager again offering his and the company’s apologies for its failings assuring me that the incident would lead to a review of its procedures to ensure a similar problem would hopefully not occur again in the future.
Yes I can hear many say the problem should not have arisen in the first place but how refreshing for a company to admit it had got it wrong, put it right as quickly as possible and try to ensure that systems are amended in an attempt to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
I for one feel assured that Glossop Caravans do strife to give customers a high level of service and whilst problems may arise – as they will do in any business no matter how well run - they will listen to customers and work tirelessly to put them right. That is the kind of business I’m happy to use.
Thank you Glossop Caravans!