What if we don’t like it?

So, ever since DH and I married 5 years ago we’ve toyed with the idea of a caravan. No one in the family has one, but we liked the idea of outdoor holidays, and my two experiences of camping have put me off tents for life. I was thinking of a caravan as a warmer, dryer and more secure tent, one that just happened to have a bed, a fridge and a loo.
However, even minor research pointed out just what an investment it was going to be. Much though we loved the look of Eribas and T@Bs, we really couldn’t stretch that far on what was frankly, a whim. So we thought we’d hire a motor home and see how we got on, until we clocked that this wasn’t cheap either.
Years of prevaricating continued, until we decided we’d either have to put up, or shut up. Off we went in search of a lightweight cheap 2-berth (We were towing with a Fabia. Outfit match says you can’t, but the car handbook disagrees). Ebay proved they were out there for under £1k, and in the end we were offered an ex trade in from Discover Birtley. A little Sprite Alpine 2, with refurbished upholstery, pretty sound all round, in fact barely used. Hurrah.
At which point I had a crisis. ‘What if we don’t like it’ I cried. John in the showroom talked me round. ‘You’ll love it’ he promised. ‘You like cheap holidays and the fresh air don’t you? Just wait till you are on site, watching someone put up a tent in the rain, while sat on your sofa drinking tea. Then you’ll say John, you were right.’
So we took the plunge. In for a penny, in for a pound (well about £2k when you factor in the towbar, water rollers, sleeping bags, a nice set of melamine plates from Lakeland, a shiny kettle with a whistle, comfy folding chairs, porch awning, two pairs of crocs for the shower, etc). I don’t travel light do I?
First trip to a club site an hour up the road to ‘get the hang of it’. Significant learning was made that weekend, but that’s a whole other story. Second trip was to the lakes, where the weather did what it does best in the lakes. I sat on the sofa, drinking tea while watching people struggle to put tents up in the pouring rain, and next morning squeeze water out of bedrolls, and said ‘I’m glad I’m not doing that’.
So yes, John, you were right. Thank you for the years of future holidays, lazy weekends, fantastic views and freedom. We’ll think of you every time.
PS If anyone knows lovely John, and can tell him thanks from us, please do.
great story,
When we started caravan in 1995 we bought an old piper from my husbands sister for £200, then set to making new curtians and cushion covers, put new wallpaper on all the inside then off we went on our first adventure to berwick, couldn't believe that huge
fantastic looking caravans with awnings (we called them tents) existed. We felt like the poor relations but that was the start we got the bug and have never looked back.Happy days lots more of them.
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Hi happyclub
Oddly enough, my first job was curtains, coupled with new cupboard handles and chrome light fittings. It was amazing what a difference that made to how much it made the caravan feel like home.
It hasn't stopped me dreaming of new 'vans though, we keen to see the new lightweight Venus range.
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Hi Helenc. in 1972 I would not have had a caravan given. One Sunday afternoon a friend was on a rally close to where we live he invited my wife and I to join them for a couple of hours. After looking in the caravan and meeting lots of friendly
people on the rally field we were both totaly smitten. We got are first caravan that year and still go caravaning to this day thats 40 years and we love it. we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.All the best.0 -
Hi. I have also been there & done that, Horizontal rain in an Erka Chantilly trailer tent in Cornwall with the mattress completly soaked sent me back home saying never again! Sold it and bought a little Monza 1200, never looked back. Been hooked on caravanning
ever since. I am sure you will also have year sof great holidays that do not need to cost a small fortune! Enjoy your Alipne 2!0