A brand new adventure - Introducing the West2East Challenge!

Hello there, or should I say "G'day" Club Together!
My name is Hannah and I work in the Training Team in East Grinstead and I simply cannot wait to tell you about a brand new adventure I'll be taking part in starting tomorrow - Sunday 16th August!
A little but about me first, as I have a feeling we're going to get to know each other quite well over the next 3 weeks! Monday will mark my 7th anniversary with The Caravan Club, and if the last 7 years have been anything to go by, I'm looking forward to my next instalment! I started my Caravan Club life on the Contact Centre phones helping on Membership and Club Shop as a temp on a 3 month contract. Little did I know I'd still be here 7 years later! I quickly learned that Caravan Club members are enthusiastic, fun and experts in their field and it dawned on me very quickly that this was a Club I really wanted to be a part of.
Fast forward a few years, a few thousand member phone calls later and after a lucky break I found myself part of the Training Team - and I've never been so proud to be part of such a hardworking and dedicated group of people. I say 'group' - there's just the 4 of us, but hey! We do pretty well and we all love what we do with a passion.
So, anyway, what's all this "g'day" business I hear you say? Well, the most exciting opportunity was offered to colleagues at The Caravan Club by Bailey of Bristol and Bailey Australia. I'm sure most of you will know, Bailey has been one of the leaders in the caravan manufacturing field for over 65 years now; but did you know in the last 5 years Bailey have created new opportunities in Australia none-the-less? And have been thriving as a manufacturer ever since. What better way to celebrate the production of the first 2 Bailey leisure vehicles to be built in Australia itself than to tow them a whopping 5,000 miles across the Australian outback? Well that's exactly what we're doing!
The Caravan Club are delighted to support this amazing adventure! I am lucky enough to have been invited along to blog, vlog, photograph and video each part of the challenge to demonstrate the types of adventures you can have whilst caravanning whether you're venturing out 5, 50 or 5,000 miles! We'll encounter various weather conditions ranging from 35 degree heat to near freezing temperatures, not to mention some of the most hostile terrain on earth! Over 1,000 miles of 'off-roading' will certainly be testing Bailey's patented Alu-Tech design...
So are we going to make it in one piece? I jolly well hope so! Travelling from the most western to the most eastern part of the continent is certainly going to be a test, but one I'm confident we'll make it with ease and comfort(!). The name of our challenge is West2EastChallenge and I'll be posting stories on here as often as I can - you may have already guessed that I like to chat! Wi-Fi permitting, photos, videos and stories will be winging their way to Club Together but if you also enjoy Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, then take a little look at the dedicated pages I have for our West2East Challenge:
Facebook: West2EastChallenge
Twitter: @caravan_han
Instagram: caravan_han
I'll be flying out from Heathrow tomorrow afternoon and our journey will be setting off from Denham on Thursday 20th August. 14 days later we'll arrive in Byron Bay after passing some of Australia's most beautiful locations like Ayres Rock along the way.
That’s all from me for now - I look forward to having you travel with me! If you have any comments, questions, experiences you'd like to share, recommendations, or challenges you'd like to set the team then I'd love to hear from you! Please do not hesitate to get in touch!
Ciao for now Club Together,
I am really enoying Caravan Han's pictures from the Outback. Isnt it amazing the adventure's you can go on when caravanning? If you want to enjoy the amazing pictures and follow Caravan Han's adventure then don't forget to follow her on....
Facebook: West2EastChallenge
Twitter: @caravan_han
Instagram: caravan_han