CL of the year - really?

Christmas Eve and all was well in the world when my eagerly awaited Club mag lands on the doorstep. A quick flick through and my eyes are drawn to the CL of the Year award.
Congratulations to the winners and to all those who entered / were nominated - you do a sterling job.
Here comes the rub....
How on earth can a CL win the award when it's open to only a fraction of the Club's members.
Hardstanding, showers, Hot and Cold water, electric, WIFI - all the things you'd find on a full on Park but you're ONLY WELCOME IF YOU'RE AN ADULT !!!!
Imagine the furore if a CL were opened banning OAP's or motorhomes etc etc?
I certainly wont be visiting this or any other site that alienates members (by default as I have a family)
C'mon the Club, you state you are the Club for everyone (families), open to all and actively promote family life, Good Grief I see in the Directory at least 2 sites across the whole of the Country have Pools now!!! Stop this Adults only farce.
I thank you and Merry Christmas
ps - As our van appears in the pic on Page 46 of the new Directory, (its a family site!!) can I claim Royalties LOL (Thats Laugh Out Loud for those that missed the blessing of children)