So why did you join the Club?

I honestly cannot remember how or why I came to join the Caravan Club or even how I became aware such a club existed. I had no caravanning friends to entice me to do the same and neither had any of my family ever owned a caravan. However, I was an avid
reader of outdoor life magazines before we bought our first caravan and I can only surmise it was through an advert in one of these that I was prompted to do so.
My motivation for buying a caravan whilst having the objective of the desire to travel is unlikely to have been similar to the majority of owners. I had longingly looked at caravans some years earlier but they did not really lend themselves to our lifestyle
until much later in life. For us, joining the Caravan Club must have been a natural thing to do because we must have joined almost if not before we acquired a caravan because strange as it may seem to many, our first outing, shortly after Easter 1989, was
to a centre rally only 6 miles from home. This was quickly followed by a trip to Lincoln Park Farm and then another rally and we were hooked. We have been members ever since.
So why did you join the Caravan Club?