Adding 12v sockets

number9 Forum Participant Posts: 22
edited July 2016 in Motorhomes #1

I want to add a double 12v outlet to my van. My switch box etc is beneath the fridge and hopefully an outlet can be added by feeding wires behind it and using the outlet for a 12v tv and amp when not on hook up.  I was planning to get this done by an auto
mechanic but have no idea how much A fair price would be. Anyone got any ideas before I go and get quotes?


  • rodgerthat
    rodgerthat Forum Participant Posts: 16
    First Comment
    edited July 2016 #2

    Quite an easy job to spur off and do it yourself! Just beware of the ampage draw. I created an extra USB sockets in this way for phone charging and I'm sure a TV socket would be as simple.