Did someone at HQ get their sums and weeks wrong?

TanyaandMick Forum Participant Posts: 139
edited March 2016 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

So, we are off to Thetford CC for the opening weekend of the season.

When comparing the price to the 2015 opening weekend, there is an increase of c.£14.00.

This Friday - non-Easter holiday w/e - the cost to us is £39.80; but the w/e of the 8th April - the end of the Easter school holiday - the weekend the cost is £28.80.

Late availability for this coming w/e is 60 free spaces of the 85 available; and from a quick scan this seems to be a trend across many sites.

Therefore, has HQ scored an own goal in setting high prices for the opening weekend, prior to the Easter break?



  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,671
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    edited March 2016 #2

    I think they either got the school holidays wrong which are usually one week before and after Easter, or think that people normally attached their holidays to a BH to maximise the time away. I do admit it's
    a liitle strange but to our advantage this year

  • TJ49
    TJ49 Forum Participant Posts: 39
    edited March 2016 #3

    Easter School Holiday differ from area to area.

    Our grandchildren in Devon are off Good Friday and the following two weeks.

    Our other grandchild is off Good Friday & Easter Monday, then back to school for 4 days, then off for two weeks.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,738
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    edited March 2016 #4

    Same up here.  But no way is this coming weekend a holiday/peak period.

  • TanyaandMick
    TanyaandMick Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited March 2016 #5

    Good point!

    Are any children breaking up for school holidays at the end of this week? This would support the higher pricing model for this coming opening weekend.

  • johndailey
    johndailey Forum Participant Posts: 520
    edited March 2016 #6

    Could somebody please explain to me the reason for higher pricing during school holidays etc? Do the CC need to employ extra staff?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,671
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    edited March 2016 #7

    I suppose it's due to supply and demand, all areas of the tourism or holiday industry do it. More people can/want/have to come away during the school holidays, there is more demand then and so the club puts its prices up to balance the times when club sites
    are lessfull. As someone who has had to take school holidays I don't 'mind' the increase and the club is usually not as bad as other non club sites

  • Simon100
    Simon100 Club Member Posts: 669
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    edited March 2016 #8

    That's the effect of supply and demand. The CC is like any other holiday company and when there is more demand, such as during school holidays, the prices go up.

    Another way of looking at it would be that high season prices are set at the correct rate and low season prices are set lower to encourage usage of the sites when there are fewer people around. A sort of seasonal loss leader!

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,671
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    edited March 2016 #9


  • TanyaandMick
    TanyaandMick Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited March 2016 #10

    But no way is this coming weekend a holiday/peak period.

    Write your comments here...so, did some one get it wrong?

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,753
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    edited March 2016 #11

    That's the effect of supply and demand. The CC is like any other holiday company and when there is more demand, such as during school holidays, the prices go up.

    Another way of looking at it would be that high season prices are set at the correct rate and low season prices are set lower to encourage usage of the sites when there are fewer people around. A sort of seasonal loss leader!

    The rise is simply market forces and aplies to all holiday businesses. Quite simply if you do not raise prices to market levels then you fill your sites with people taking advantage of the cheaper pitches but this then leaves you short of income and has
    to be made up during the other periods. You cannot however do this as it makes the sites too expensive at other times meaning the potential customers go elsewhere and basically you run into financial difficulty by not making enough at peak times and losing
    more customers at others.

  • TanyaandMick
    TanyaandMick Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited March 2016 #12

    So, in this case we have peak time prices for a non-holiday weekend and non-peak prices at the end of the holiday period.

    Considering how many pitches are available at Thetford and other sites (this coming opening weekend) was this the right answer to ensure maximum revenue?

  • ABIPete
    ABIPete Forum Participant Posts: 88
    edited March 2016 #13

    I was also shocked at having to pay over £26.50 a night for the Sunday to Thursday before Easter. I needed to pick that time as I will be visiting my mother for her 93rd birthday! The trouble is there are no other commercial sites near.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,671
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    edited March 2016 #14

    But no way is this coming weekend a holiday/peak period.

    Write your comments here...so, did some one get it wrong?

    no it isn't but its attached to one so that may possibly be why and some schools maybe off. The thing is if you want that site at that time then that's the price sadly, it's up to you to take it or leave it.

  • TanyaandMick
    TanyaandMick Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited March 2016 #15

    The thing is if you want that site at that time then that's the price sadly, it's up to you to take it or leave it.

    Write your comments here...yes sadly this is true.......

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,889
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    edited March 2016 #16

    Perhaps the Caravan Club's clockwork price calculator is fixed to set the high price in relation to Easter and cannot cope with it falling so early this year, determined by the peregrinations of the moon, no less.  Watch out Chickens!  - they will be after
    your entrails next to detemine when the booking frenzy will be this year.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,738
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    edited March 2016 #17

    I am not aware of any schools that are off this coming weekend.  Not even the independant schools.

    DD's fiance is a teacher, his parents are teachers, DIL is a teacher......none of them are on holiday this coming wekend.

    OH looks after our Guide Hall, they are not on holiday till Easter.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,054
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    edited March 2016 #18

    I was also shocked at having to pay over £26.50 a night for the Sunday to Thursday before Easter. I needed to pick that time as I will be visiting my mother for her 93rd birthday! The trouble is there are no other commercial sites near.

    Aren't there any CL's close by, with the facilities you require? They would be a lot cheaper than CC site.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,738
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    edited March 2016 #19

    But no way is this coming weekend a holiday/peak period.

    Write your comments here...so, did some one get it wrong?

    no it isn't but its attached to one so that may possibly be why and some schools maybe off. The thing is if you want that site at that time then that's the price sadly, it's up to you to take it or leave it.

    I would be leaving it, and using a CL instead.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,054
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    edited March 2016 #20

    Perhaps the Caravan Club's clockwork price calculator is fixed to set the high price in relation to Easter and cannot cope with it falling so early this year, determined by the peregrinations of the moon, no less.  Watch out Chickens!  - they will be after
    your entrails next to detemine when the booking frenzy will be this year.

    Correct Nav, they've done it this way in the past so will just stick to the same 2 weeks, the one including Good Friday and the next week, whatever date the school holidays are.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited March 2016 #21

    I was also shocked at having to pay over £26.50 a night for the Sunday to Thursday before Easter. I needed to pick that time as I will be visiting my mother for her 93rd birthday! The trouble is there are no other commercial sites near.

    What area Pete? I bet we can find somewhere cheaper for you! Happy

  • TanyaandMick
    TanyaandMick Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited March 2016 #22

    Perhaps the Caravan Club's clockwork price calculator is fixed to set the high price in relation to Easter and cannot cope with it falling so early this year, determined by the peregrinations of the moon, no less.  Watch out Chickens!  - they will be after
    your entrails next to detemine when the booking frenzy will be this year.

    Correct Nav, they've done it this way in the past so will just stick to the same 2 weeks, the one including Good Friday and the next week, whatever date the school holidays are.

    Write your comments here...but unless I am mistaken (and I have been on many an occasion) this time they seem to have included the one before Good Friday and excluded the weekend post Good Friday - hence my point....

  • TanyaandMick
    TanyaandMick Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited March 2016 #23

    Anyway, challenge over - I'll enjoy the weekend and take one for the team :)

    happy Easter to all.....

  • Scottie2
    Scottie2 Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited March 2016 #24

    Good Friday 25th....18th March, the Club have put up their price...Is this greed as this year I believe the schools have not gone on holiday on the 18th.

  • lesbunny
    lesbunny Forum Participant Posts: 133
    edited March 2016 #25

    Good Friday 25th....18th March, the Club have put up their price...Is this greed as this year I believe the schools have not gone on holiday on the 18th.

    Yes it is Money Mouth Makes a mockery of the " Club " title.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited March 2016 #26

    Good Friday 25th....18th March, the Club have put up their price...Is this greed as this year I believe the schools have not gone on holiday on the 18th.

    Yes it is Money Mouth Makes a mockery of the " Club " title.

    The trouble is, les, that there are some on here who think it's too much of a club. They want special deals off peak in return for the sort of sky high prices charged at peak times by the likes of Haven & Sandy Balls. 

    The club may have got its dates wrong, but the actual pricing is pretty reasonable in peak times compared to the alternatives!

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited March 2016 #27

    Good Friday 25th....18th March, the Club have put up their price...Is this greed as this year I believe the schools have not gone on holiday on the 18th.

    Yes it is Money Mouth Makes a mockery of the " Club " title.

    The trouble is, les, that there are some on here who think it's too much of a club. They want special deals off peak in return for the sort of sky high prices charged at peak times by the likes of Haven & Sandy Balls. 

    The club may have got its dates wrong, but the actual pricing is pretty reasonable in peak times compared to the alternatives!

    Write your comments here...The leisure industry standard is to discount holidays during the Off peak period to encourage customers to use otherwise empty pitches,  which in turn brings in well needed income to the owner at a time when there would be none. 

    And yes that means that the full price is charged during busy peak periods for obvious reasons.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, It is a win win situation for both the customer and the organisation. 

    There are some on here who strangely want the prices to remain constant throughout the season.  Resulting in lost income for the CC and their customers going elsewhere. 





  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,889
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    edited March 2016 #28

    I was trying to work out the Caravan Club logic in picking dates for the high prices (Slightly harder than nailing jelly to a Catherine Wheel).  It did occur to me that some people may want to book the week before Easter school holidays (whenever they may
    be) to have a quiet time before their grandchildren/children/friends arrive.  Seems a good money making scheme - but they have missed catching those who might do similar by staying on afterwards.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited March 2016 #29

    So are you saying the club should go down the Haven/Sandy Balls route and offer (admittedly) great deals for folks who can take advantage of them off peak and then whack them up sky high for families during school holidays, K?

    I don't think anyone on either side of the pricing debate has argued for prices to remain constant throughout the season, or have I missed something?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,054
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    edited March 2016 #30

    Perhaps the Caravan Club's clockwork price calculator is fixed to set the high price in relation to Easter and cannot cope with it falling so early this year, determined by the peregrinations of the moon, no less.  Watch out Chickens!  - they will be after
    your entrails next to detemine when the booking frenzy will be this year.

    Correct Nav, they've done it this way in the past so will just stick to the same 2 weeks, the one including Good Friday and the next week, whatever date the school holidays are.

    Write your comments here...but unless I am mistaken (and I have been on many an occasion) this time they seem to have included the one before Good Friday and excluded the weekend post Good Friday - hence my point....

    No mickx, the majority of sites have the peak prices from 18th Mar to 3 April, ie the 2 weeks that include both good Friday and Eastern Monday, March 25th & 28th respectively. The weekend after Easter Monday is April 2nd & 3rd and is at peak price.

  • Janny
    Janny Forum Participant Posts: 62
    edited March 2016 #31

    Definatly greed , we will be finding a C L somewhere !