Have you been asked for it?

I have just been trawling through some of the threads and particularly the one about not wanting to stay on a CL ever again. Having read it, I can understand it but I can't recall a bad experience at a CL in all the years I have caravanned apart from one
time when it became obvious that the site owner was more interested in making money than looking after his guests but I shall not say anymore about that as my heckles still rise at the thought!! However, the question I want to ask is this. Have you ever been
asked for your CC card on a CL. I think I can remember a couple of occasions but thats all. After seeing a CL owner defrauded out of his rightful recompense a couple of years ago down in Devon, surely its in the CL owners interest to make sure the person in
question is a bonafide member so that they have some comeback if thing go awry?