Wisdom can save you pounds!

The old adage, Age brings Wisdom is not always apparent but I like to think it changes certain attitudes and one in particular, - Driving. We often in this section talk about free this and cheap that and this offer and that offer but money can be saved in the simplest of ways. ie. by getting the lead boot on the right foot changed for a plimsole. I admit publicly that I have always been a bit of a "let's get on with it " type of guy and have paid the price when those damn cameras flash!. However, I had a cruise control retro fitted to my towcar about a year ago and although it is not useful everywhere, I certainly use it to stop my speed increasing in speed restricted areas but find it particularly useful on the Motorways. My latest trick is to set one of the presets at 56mph (the most effecient speed apparently) and sit there whilst being passed by all and sundry including speeding caravanners! Not only is it a totally different driving experience, its safer and it saves fuel and quite a bit of fuel. My recent jaunt down to Pandy using the M6, M42, M5 and finally M50 before entering Wales where the roads are a little more difficult, was a journey of consumate ease and vitually stress free. The fuel saving was quite suprising too. Not a bad way to start a holiday - stress free and with a few more quid in your pocket! The journey back was even better.