Wifi poor on every site we've been to
Whoever the Carvan Club have sub-contracted their Wifi service to aught to be sacked. Every site we've been to has got rubbish wifi. Problems like hit and miss connection, slow connection and weak signals. When I ask at the shop I get the standard response
the Caravan Club are upgrading the wifi then I ask has this site been upgraded to which there's a pause and then an embarrasing yes it has.
Granted my £25 has been refunded and I now have a free 2014 log on but even although I now have a free connection, connecting and surfing remains a painful experience.
Can you imagine BT getting away with "selling" an upgraded wifi system only to find it didn't work.
Come on Caravan Club get tough and manage your sub-contractor and get them to provide a "service" or sack them. I'm speaking as a person who has spent many years managing 3rd party sub-contractors.