Wrecked in Italy

davebakerpurton Forum Participant Posts: 69
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Just got home from Italy by train after a bad accident, our van was rammed from the rear at about 40 mph as we slowed down to enter a roundabout, the whole back is caved in, all the furniture detached, we were hit so hard our swan neck tow ball was bent
then broke, the caravan then jumped off and hit the car and deformed the tailgate, and rear frame, luckily neither we nor the other party were hurt other that a few bruises, 6 years of work down the drain, at the moment we both feel gutted.


  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
    edited May 2016 #2

    Surprised Surprised Surprised,
    Oh No !!!! What a tradgedy !!! Glad nobody was hurt though.Hope the insurance gets sorted quickly too !!! 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,898
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    edited May 2016 #3

    Wow!  Really sorry to read about this Dave.   At least no-one was seriously hurt - that's the most important thing.  Hope you find a way of replacing the 'van.


  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,889
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    edited May 2016 #4

    So sorry to hear that, Dave. You are one of the most travelled people on here. Sad to hear of a wrecked Eriba but glad you are safe. Good luck. 

  • Kerry Watkins
    Kerry Watkins Forum Participant Posts: 325
    edited May 2016 #5

    Oh Dave that was a frightening experience. The good thing is that you are ok and safe. Material things can always be replaced.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,394
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    edited May 2016 #6

    How absolutely awful for you! Hopefully you are both ok, that is the main thing. 

  • Lutz
    Lutz Forum Participant Posts: 1,569
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    edited May 2016 #7

    I feel very sorry for you. I experienced something similar in Norway many years ago (not towing at the time, though) and it was truly horrific, as it was a 40 tonner that ran into the back and pushed my car under the semi-trailer of a similarly big truck ahead. I was also fortunate not to have been injured so I know how you feel.

    I'm off to Italy with the caravan on Tuesday and hope not to experience a repeat.

  • davebakerpurton
    davebakerpurton Forum Participant Posts: 69
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    edited May 2016 #8

    Thank you all for your thoughts, I must say that even before the accident we thought both the standards of road surface and driving skills in Italy were some of the worst we have come across in Europe

  • davebakerpurton
    davebakerpurton Forum Participant Posts: 69
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    edited May 2016 #9

    Thank you all for your thoughts, I must say that even before the accident we thought both the standards of road surface and driving skills in Italy were some of the worst we have come across in Europe

  • DJG
    DJG Forum Participant Posts: 277
    edited May 2016 #10

    Did you sort out the recovery yourself or was it done by a insurance company? As the recovery involved all aspects exept medical it would be intresting to hear how each part was handled, IE you, the car and caravan. Did you have dogs with you?? There is
    always a diffrence between what is in the sales plurb and the actual service you get when somthing goes wrong. 

  • davebakerpurton
    davebakerpurton Forum Participant Posts: 69
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    edited May 2016 #11

    The recovery to the local garage was handled by ADAC, now Saga will be rapatriating car and caravan to the UK for engineers report pror to either repair or scrapping.

    We made our own way home by train, at a cost of £1000, we did feel that as soon as the car and van were sorted we were rather left to our own devices

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited May 2016 #12

    Bu66er! Glad you weren't injured. 

  • DJG
    DJG Forum Participant Posts: 277
    edited May 2016 #13

    Glad all went well in the end. I take it you did not have one emergancy point of contact like Red Pennant to deal with all your problems. Did Saga send ADAC or was that seperate? You had the full specterm of requirement's for recovery, not just a small misshap,
    so you must be one of the few people to experence the type of service you get and that info can be very helpful to others. All the best, DJG

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited May 2016 #14

    Thank you all for your thoughts, I must say that even before the accident we thought both the standards of road surface and driving skills in Italy were some of the worst we have come across in Europe

    Must agree with you on the driving attitudes in Italy, we are now at Lake Garda and the difference from driving in France and crossing the border into Italy is way, way noticeable. Sorry to hear of your experience, I just hope things run smoothly for me.

    Today while driving through built up area it seems 50kph is the minimum to Italian drivers, as they intimidate from behind if you adhere to the speed limit. Holds no sway with me though, they stay where they are or overtake, their choice.

  • Sumitra
    Sumitra Forum Participant Posts: 154
    edited May 2016 #15

    Sorry to hear that.Glad everyone alright and hope you get things sorted out soon.

  • Lynneallan
    Lynneallan Forum Participant Posts: 77
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    edited May 2016 #16

    Sorry to hear about your accident.  Glad you are all ok.  I hope the insurance sort you out asap. lynne

  • davebakerpurton
    davebakerpurton Forum Participant Posts: 69
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    edited May 2016 #17

    Well after our accident in Italy our van should be with the repairs for assessment by Wed, its being taken to a company called

    S & L Automotive Ltd, Unit 7 Drake House Court, Hamilton Road, SUTTON-IN-ASHFIELD. anyone used them or know anything about them?