Problem with forum
Can someone please answer this from CC towers.
I belong to several other forums, they mainly are independant forums and not part of a website. these forums never have the probelms with regards spammers or maintenance issues.
Over the last few months, as we all know, spammers are really driving us mad. 2 lots within minutes of each other already today. this happens virtually each and every day. Why can'tsomeone in the know eradicate spammers like other forums have.
Plus every few days the forum is closed for maintenance. What I would like to know is, as a member of the CC I see no visual differences to the forum what so ever.. Prehpas it ay be usefull to eplain what maintenance is to be done and inform us members
what has been done when the site goes live.
We pay our membership to pay the IT team, surely we are entitled to know what is happeneing. Plus what is propose for the future.
I welcome a reply as son as possble.