One Utterly Fed Up Member!

Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,298
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edited July 2015 in How to use Club Together #1

So, here we go again. It is the beginning of the busiest period of the year for holidays, members and prospective members looking for ideas, places to stay, and guess what? Website unavailable, yet again. No access to member log in, CLs, UK sites and other
areas. It is actually easier to use UK Campsite website to search for CLs than it is the Club's own website!

At some point or other, someone with real clout at the Club is going to have to recognise that this website is just not reliable enough in this day and age, and is badly letting down existing and potential members.

Promises were made that this year, improvements would be made, but as yet little has been forthcoming about what, and more importantly when this is likely to happen. 

I appreciate that designing, building and presenting a website must be quite an onerous and complex task, but it is probably the single most used resource after the sites themselves, and therefore is crucial to all aspects of the Club's business.

So for goodness sakes, can anyone out there please ensure that this is made a huge priority, take responsibility for keeping members up to date, and just bl**dy well get on with sorting things out?

Rant over, but I remain a very disallusioned and disappointed member.