Build Your Own.............?

Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,301
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edited November 2013 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

Back in the dark days before t'web, CT and all this digital stuff, we used to actually look forward to the Magazine. Specifically, it was the letters page that drew our attention, the main reason to see what fellow vanners had been trying to "design" for
their vans. There were some really good ideas, plus one or two that we thought absolutely barking, but it takes all sorts. Most memorable was how to stop the toilet rolls unravelling while travelling. (This spawned umpteen suggestions, but wasn't something
we spent money or effort on, we just took ours off the holderUndecided)

Prompted by another thread, where some clever persons have been busy designing self levelling blocks, I have to ask if others out there have designed anything for their vans, either to overcome a problem, or make life more comfortable. Owning older vans,
this is part of everytrip vanning for us, as spares can be hard to find, and ingenuity is often called for. So, ideas welcomed please!
